
The showzhyperlinkport command displays the detailed properties of an individual zHyperLink port.

Note: zHyperLink connections are not available on DS8882F systems.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram showzhyperlinkport  -dev  storage_image_ID  -metrics port_ID " - "


-dev storage_image_ID
(Optional) The storage image ID, which consists of manufacturer, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified port ID. It is also required if you do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
(Optional) Displays the port information and performance metrics for the specified port.
port_ID | -
(Required) Displays port information for the specified port.

Example 1: Displaying the detailed properties of an individual zHyperLink port

dscli> showzhyperlinkport -dev IBM.2107-75DMC81 HL0038 

ID            HL0038           
State         Connected 
Loc           U1500.1B8.RJBAY08-P1-C7-T9                      
Speed         8 GB/s       

Output definitions

zHyperLink port ID.
State of the zHyperLink port in the I/O enclosure PCIe/PCN card. One of the following values display: Connected, Disconnected, Offline, or Fenced.
Location of the zHyperLink port in the I/O enclosure PCIe/PCN card.
Speed of the link of the zHyperLink port in the I/O enclosure PCIe/PCN card.

Example 2: Displaying the port performance metrics of an individual zHyperLink port

dscli> showzhyperlinkport -metrics HL0006

ID                         IBM.2107-75NA901/HL6
Date                       Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 MST 1969
Link ID                    0060
Remote Link ID             0000
WWNN                       5005075308FFC775
Remote WWN                 0000000000000000
Oversubscription Status    Normal
TxLayerErr                 0
DataLayerErr               0
PhyLayerErr                0
Lane RxPower (dBm) TxPower (dBm)
0  0.0000    0.0000
1  0.0000    0.0000
2  0.0000    0.0000
3  0.0000    0.0000
4  0.0000    0.0000
5  0.0000    0.0000
6  0.0000    0.0000
7  0.0000    0.0000                        

Output definitions (with the -metrics parameter)

zHyperLink port ID.
Timestamp when the performance metrics were captured.
Link ID
ID of a link.
Remote Link ID
ID of a remote link.
World Wide Node Name (WWNN) that is associated of the specified port ID.
Remote WWN
World Wide Name (WWN) that is associated with the remote port ID.
Oversubscription Status
Status of the specified port for optimized use.
Number of bad transaction layer packets.
Number of bad data layer packets.
Number of bad physical layer packets.
Number of the lane.
RxPower (dBm)
Link transmit optical power in dBm.
Link receiver optical power in dBm.