
The showhostport command displays detailed properties of an individual host port.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram showhostport  -dev  storage_image_ID  -volume  -ioport  WWPN " - "


-dev storage_image_ID
(Optional) The storage image ID, which consists of manufacturer, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified host port. It is also required if you did not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
(Optional) Displays volume and LUN ID map for the specified host port.
(Optional) Displays I/O ports for the specified host port.
WWPN | -
(Required) Displays host port information for the specified host port WWPNs. Either the fully qualified WWPN or shortened name is acceptable. This parameter accepts input from stdin when the dash (-) is specified.
Example 1: Displaying detailed properties of an individual host port
dscli> showhostport 210100E08B295F86

WWPN               210100E08B295F86
Name               Host_Port_1                
Type               generic
State              logged in               
Volumes            3
AddrMode           scsimask
I/O ports          3
AddrDiscovery      reportLUN
LBS                512
Host               Host_1

Output definitions

WWPN of the host port.
Unique ID that is assigned by the user to the host port.
Host type as defined by the operating system and platform. If the information is not available, the value always displays as unknown.
Login state of the host.
logged in
Indicates that a host port is created for an available physical connection.
logged out
Indicates that a host port is created, but no physical connection is established or the connection is not available.
Indicates that a host port is created, but the state is invalid (neither logged in or logged out).
A physical connection is established, but the host port is not created.
Number of volumes that are mapped to the specified host.
Method that is used by the host to discover the LUNs that are available to its host ports; for example, scsimask, scsimap256, or os400mask.
I/O ports
Number of I/O ports that the specified host is allowed to log into (all indicates that the specified host is allowed to log into any I/O port).
LUN address discovery method used by the host system and host system port; for example, reportLUN, LUNPolling, or reportLUN16K.
Logical block size of the volumes that the host can access. Block size is determined by the host type. For IBM i, the possible values include 512 and 520.
Name of the host that the specified host port is assigned. If the host port is not associated with a host, the value always displays as -.
Example 2: Displaying volume and LUN ID map of an individual host port
dscli> showhostport -volume 210100E08B295F86

WWPN             210100E08B295F86
Name             Host_Port_1
Type             generic
State            logged
Volumes          3
AddrMode         scsimask
I/O ports        3
AddrDiscovery    reportLUN
LBS              512
Host             Host_1
ID            Lun       Access 
000D          8D        Public
000E          8E        Public
000F          8F        Public
When you specify the -volume parameter, the Volume IDs, Lun, and Access parameters also display.
Volume ID.
Lun ID that is mapped to the volume ID.
Accessibility status of the volume. One of the following values displays.
Indicates that volume is both under the host and its cluster. This volume is shared by other hosts under the cluster.
Indicates that the volume is not visible to the host's cluster.
Indicates that if the port's host is not under any cluster, the value always displays as -.