
The showextpool command displays detailed properties, tier information, or performance metrics of an extent pool.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram showextpool  -dev  storage_image_ID  -metrics  -tier extentpool_ID  " - "


-dev storage_image_ID
(Optional) The storage image ID, which consists of a value for manufacturer, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified extent pool ID, do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
(Optional) Displays the extent pool ID and performance metrics for the specified extent pool.
Note: All performance metrics are an accumulation starting from the most recent counter wrap or counter reset. The extent pool performance counters are reset on the following occurrences:
  • The storage system is powered-up.
  • A server failed and a failover and failback sequence completed.
(Optional) Displays the extent pool ID and tier information for the specified extent pool.
extentpool_ID | -
(Required) The extent pool that is to be displayed. This parameter accepts a fully qualified extent pool ID, which consists of the storage image ID or an extent pool number without the storage image ID, if the -dev parameter is specified. The extent pool number is a four-digit decimal number with no leading zeros, prefixed with the letter P. Even-numbered extent pools are associated with rank group 0. Odd-numbered extent pools are associated with rank group 1.
If you use the dash (-), the specified value is read from standard input.
Note: You cannot use the dash (-) while you are in the DS CLI interactive command mode.

Example 1: Displaying detailed extent pool tier properties

dscli> showextpool -tier p2

Date/Time: March 19, 2017 10:44:07 AM MST IBM DSCLI 
Version: DS: IBM.2107-75APK91

Name                      extpool_2
ID                        P2
stgtype                   fb
totlstor (2^30B)          3601
availstor (2^30B)         3048
resvdstor (2^30B)         0
rankgrp                   0
numranks                  3
numvols                   11
status                    below
%allocated                15
%available                84
configured                3601
allowed                   3601
available                 3048
allocated                 553
reserved                  0
configuredCap (MiB/cyl)   442449
allowedCap (MiB/cyl)      442449
availableCap (MiB/cyl)    437829
allocatedCap (MiB/cyl)    4620
reservedCap (MiB/cyl)     0
%limit                    100
%threshold                15
virextstatus              full
%virallocated             100
%viravailable             0
virconfigured             550
virallowed                550
viravailable              0
virallocated              550
virreserved               0
%virextlimit              -
%virextthreshold          -

keygrp                    -
opratio                   1.4
opratiolimit              2
%allocated(ese)           15
%allocated(rep)           0
%allocated(std)           0
%allocated(over)          0
%virallocated(ese)        100
%virallocated(tse)        0
%virallocated(init)       0
%migrating(in)            0
%migrating(out)           0
numtiers                  2
etmanaged                 yes
etmigpauseremain          - 
etmonpauseremain          - 
extsize                   21cyl

=================Tier Distribution================
Tier        Cap (GiB/mod1)  %allocated   %assigned
FlashTier2         2121         84           0 
ENT                436981       100          14          

Output definitions

The name that you assigned to the extent pool.
The system assigned unique identifier for the extent pool object.
The storage type that is associated with the extent pool. One of the following types is displayed:
  • fb
  • ckd
totlstor (2^30 Bytes)
The amount of storage that is associated with the extent pool in gibibytes (GiB).
availstor (2^30 Bytes)
The available storage for the designated extent pool in gibibytes (GiB).
resvdstor (2^30 Bytes)
The amount of reserved storage for the designated extent pool in gibibytes (GiB).
The rank group in which the designated extent pool is configured.
The number of ranks that are configured in the designated extent pool.
The number of logical volumes that are configured from the designated extent pool.
The extent status. One of the following values is displayed:
The percent of real extents available is less than the real extent threshold.
The percent of real extents available is greater than the real extent threshold.
The %Extents available is zero.
The percentage of real extents allocated. A value of 1 - 100 is displayed.
The percentage of real extents that are available. A value of 1 - 100 is displayed.
The number of real extents that are contained in the extent pool.
The number of real extents that are below the applicable extent limit.
The number of real extents of a specific type that are available for allocation to a logical volume.
The number of real extents of a specific type in the extent pool that are allocated to logical volumes or auxiliary volumes.
The number of deallocated real extents in the extent pool that are on ranks of the same extent type in the reserved state. In addition, this value is the number of deallocated extents above the applicable extent limit on ranks of the same extent type that are not in the reserved state.
configuredCap (MiB/cyl)
The total real capacity number. The capacity is reported in MiB for FB extent pool and reports the number of cylinders for CKD extent pool.
allowedCap (MiB/cyl)
The allowed real capacity number. The capacity is reported in MiB for FB extent pool and reported in number of cylinders for CKD extent pool.
availableCap (MiB/cyl)
The available real capacity number. The capacity is reported in MiB for FB extent pool and reported in number of cylinders for CKD extent pool.
allocatedCap (MiB/cyl)
The allocated real capacity number. The capacity is reported in MiB for FB extent pool and reported in number of cylinders for CKD extent pool.
reservedCap (MiB/cyl)
The reserved capacity. The capacity is reported in MiB for FB extent pool and reported in number of cylinders for CKD extent pool.
The maximum percentage of allocated real extents that are allowed in this extent pool.
The minimum threshold percentage of the real extents available. When the percentage of the currently available real extents is less than this minimum percentage, notifications are sent and the extent status is reported as exceeded.
Note: A warning is generated when this percentage is exceeded by capacity allocation to Extent Space Efficient (ESE) volumes.
Warning: One third of threshold space is not usable for ESE volume migration.
The virtual extent status. One of the following values is displayed:
The virtual extents available percentage is less than the virtual extent threshold.
The virtual extents available (viravailable) as a percentage of the total extents (virallowed) is greater than the virtual extent threshold (virextthreshold).
The available virtual extents is zero.
The percentage of virtual extents that are allocated compared to the total virtual extents that are allowed. Valid values are 0 - 100.
The percentage of virtual extents that are available compared to the total virtual extents that are allowed. Valid values are 0 - 100.
The number of virtual extents that are configured in the extent pool.
The number of virtual extents that are below the applicable virtual extent limit.
The number of virtual extents that are available for allocation to space-efficient volumes.
The number of virtual extents in the extent pool that are allocated to space-efficient volumes.
The number of deallocated virtual extents in the extent pool that are on ranks of the same extent type that are in the reserved state. In addition, this value The number of deallocated extents above the applicable extent limit on ranks of the same extent type that are not in the reserved state.
The maximum value of the percentage of allocated virtual extents that can be allowed in this extent pool.
Note: If the virtual extent limit is not enabled, a " - " value is displayed.
The minimum threshold percentage of the virtual extents available. When the percentage of the currently available virtual extents is less than this minimum percentage and the virtual extent status is reported as exceeded.
Note: If the virtual extent limit is not enabled, a " - " value is displayed.
The key group number that the extent pool is related to. A dash ( - ) means that either encryption is supported but not used, or encryption is not supported.
The overprovisioning ratio, which is the total provisioned capacity divided by total real capacity that is allowable for the volume.
Specifies whether overprovisioning is allowed on the extent pool. The default value is 0 (unlimited overprovisioning allowed), whereas 1 means that no overprovisioning is allowed (with no assumed production impact resulting from reaching storage capacity limits on the system).
The percentage of allocated real extents on ESE (Extent Space Efficient) volumes compared to the real capacity of the Extent Pool.
The percentage of allocated real extents on space efficient repository compared to the real capacity of the Extent Pool.
The percentage of allocated real extents on standard volumes compared to the real capacity of the Extent Pool.
The percentage of allocated real extents used for overhead, such as to support space efficient storage, compared to the real capacity of the Extent Pool.
The percentage of allocated virtual extents on ESE (Extent Space Efficient) volumes compared to the virtual capacity of the Extent Pool.
The percentage of allocated virtual extents on TSE (Track Space Efficient) volumes compared to the virtual capacity of the Extent Pool.
The percentage of allocated virtual extents being initialized compared to the virtual capacity of the Extent Pool.
The percentage of extents migrating into the extent pool compared to the real capacity of the extent pool. (This value is the percentage of migrating extents in the extent pool that have specified this extent pool as the target of the migration.)
The percentage of extents migrating out of the extent pool that is compared to the real capacity of the extent pool. (This value is the percentage of migrating extents in the extent pool that have specified this extent pool as the source of the migration.)
The number of tiers in this extent pool.
Whether the extent pool is managed.
The pause in the Easy Tier migration process. One of the following values is displayed:
0H1M -168H0M
The time (in hours and minutes) that remain of the pause in the Easy Tier migration process.
The Easy Tier migration remains paused until the resume action is submitted.
- (dash)
The Easy Tier migration is not paused.
The system failed to query the time that remains of the pause.
The pause in the Easy Tier monitoring process. One of the following values is displayed:
The time (in hours and minutes) that remains of the pause in the Easy Tier monitoring process.
The Easy Tier monitoring remains paused until a resume action is submitted.
- (dash)
The Easy Tier monitoring is not paused.
The system failed to query the time that remains of the pause.
Easy Tier extent pool monitoring reset date is as follows:
The date of the last Easy Tier monitoring reset in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssZ, where:
the year
the month (01-12)
the day (01-31)
the single letter T without quotes
the hour (00-23)
the minutes (00-59)
the seconds (00-59)
the time zone offset from UTC [-HHmm | +HHmm]
The date in which Easy Tier monitoring of this extent pool was last reset is not known.
The Easy Tier extent pool management is not supported.
The extent size in the extent pool.
Note: In prior models, a fixed area on each rank was assigned to be used for volume metadata, which reduced the amount of space available for use by volumes. There is no fixed area for volume metadata, and this capacity is added to the space available for use. The metadata is allocated in the storage pool when volumes are created and is referred to as the pool overhead.

The amount of space that can be allocated by volumes is variable and depends on both the number of volumes and the logical capacity of these volumes. If thin provisioning is used, then the metadata is allocated for the entire volume when the volume is created, and not when extents are used, so over-provisioned environments have more metadata. For more information, see the DS8A00 Introduction and Planning Guide (GC27-8525).

The extent pool storage type is FB and there is 1GiB in an extent in this extent pool.
The extent pool storage type is FB and there is 16GiB in an extent in this extent pool.
The extent pool storage type is CKD and there are 1113 cylinders in an extent in this extent pool.
The extent pool storage type is CKD and there are 21 cylinders in an extent in this extent pool.
The tier of high performance flash drives.
The first tier of high capacity flash drives.
The second tier of high capacity flash drives.
Enterprise tier; consists of drives with speeds of 10K RPM, 15K RPM, or a combination of drives of both speeds.
Nearline tier; consists of high volume SATA or SAS Nearline disk drives.
Tier is unknown.
Cap (GiB/mod1)
Capacity of this tier in GiB for FB pools, and mod1 for CKD pools.
Capacity of this tier that has been allocated, including assigned capacity, as a percentage of the tier capacity.
Capacity that is assigned to this tier as a percentage of the tier capacity. To allow Easy Tier®, Easy Tier cooperative caching, and other functions to work correctly, the maximum assigned capacity is limited to 80% of the tier capacity.

Example 2: Displaying extent pool performance metrics

dscli> showextpool -metrics IBM.2107-75FA120/P101
ID Date
10000 10000 10000 10000
10000 10000
virextcap virext dataencrypted
10000 100000 yes

Output definitions

The system assigned unique identifier for the extent pool object.
The current time stamp for the extent pool performance counters.
The real extent pool capacity in gibibytes (GiB).
The number of real extents in the extent pool.
The number of real allocated extents in the extent pool.
Specifies real extent conversions.
The number of extents that were sources of a dynamic extent relocation.
The number of extents that were targets of a dynamic extent relocation.
The virtual extent pool capacity in gibibytes (GiB).
The number of virtual extents in the extent pool.
Specifies whether the data stored on the physical media is encrypted.