The showckdvol command displays detailed properties of an individual count key data (CKD) volume. Detailed information includes performance metrics of a CKD volume and information about Safeguarded Copy capacity.
Note: All performance counts are an accumulation from the most recent counter wrap or
counter reset. A reset of the volume performance counters occurs in association with the following events:
- The storage system is turned on.
- A server failure occurred, and the server failover or failback sequence was initiated.
- -dev storage_image_ID
- (Optional) The storage image ID, which consists of the manufacturer, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified volume ID. It is also required if you do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
- -metrics
- (Optional) Displays the volume ID and performance metrics for the specified volume.Notes:
- All performance counts are an accumulation since the most recent counter wrap or counter reset. Volume performance counters are reset on a power-up sequence. Volume performance counters are reset by a server failover and failback sequence.
- Do not use the -metrics parameter with the -pathgrp, -rank, -tier, or -volgrp parameters.
- -pathgrp
- (Optional) Displays the path group status table, which contains path group information. This
information includes the path group ID, the grouped, reserved, and path mode status.
Do not use the -pathgrp parameter with the -metrics, –rank, -tier, or -volgrp parameters.
- -rank
- (Optional) A rank extents table is to be displayed. This table displays the set of ranks that
the logical volume has extents that are configured on and the number of extents for that logical
Do not use the -rank parameter with the -metrics, -pathgrp, -tier, or -volgrp parameters.
- -tier
- (Optional) Displays the tier distribution table. The table lists the set of tiers that have
storage that is allocated for the specified logical volume and the percentage of the logical volume
that is allocated on each tier.
Do not use the -tier parameter with the -metrics, -pathgrp, -rank, or -volgrp parameters.
- -volgrp volume_group_ID
- (Required if you do not specify the volume_ID parameter.) The CKD volumes that are associated with the designated volume group ID is to be displayed. Only one volume group for CKD volumes exists and it contains all volumes.
- volume_ID -
- (Optional) The system displays detailed information about the designated volume. The volume ID
format is four hexadecimal characters LLVV that represents the following values:
- LL
- The logical control unit number, 00 - FE.
- VV
- The volume number, 00 - FF.
Example: Displaying detailed CKD volume properties
Note: The following example is based on the use of the showckdvol command for a
3390 volume with 3339 cylinders. When the rank parameter is
specified, a rank extents table is displayed at the end of the regular report.
dscli> showckdvol -dev IBM.2107-1300861 -rank 1410
Name | ID |
state |
state |
state |
volser |
type |
volume_ 1410 |
1410 | Online | Normal | Normal | 3390-3 |
3390 |
voltype |
vols |
addrgrp | extpool | exts |
(cyl) |
(2^30B) |
(10^9B) |
Ranks |
CKD Base | – | 1 | P2 | 3 | 3339 | 2.6 | 2.8 | 2 |
sam | repcapalloc | eam | reqcap (cyl) |
(Mod1) |
ESE | 1.7 | - | 3339 | 0.0 |
realextents | virtualextents | realcap (cyl) | migrating cap(cyl)
migrating | migratingfrom | perfgrp | resgrp |
1 | 0 | 0 | - | PG0 | RG0 |
tierassignstatus | tierassignerror | tierassignorder | tierassigntarget | %tierassigned |
Assigning | - | ETdata | FlashTier0 | 54 |
safeguarded | safeguardedcap (cyl) | safeguardedloc | SGC Recovered |
Yes | 1234 | mypool_1 | Yes |
============================Rank extents===========================
Rank | Extents | Rank Extents Capacity (cyl) |
R0 | 1 | 1113 |
R2 | 2 | 1113 |
Output definitions ( -metrics parameter not specified)
- Name
- The nickname that you assigned for this volume object.
- ID
- The unique identifier that is assigned to this volume object.
- Accstate
- One of the following values can be displayed:
- Online
- The logical volume is accessible to a host.
- Fenced
- The logical volume is in the volume fenced state and is not accessible to the host.
- " - "
- The logical volume is designated as a CKD alias volume.
- Datastate
- One of the following values can be displayed:
- Normal
- None of the other data states apply. The access state is Online.
- Pinned
- None of the other data states apply and the logical volume has one or more pinned non-retryable tracks. The access state is Online.
- Read only
- The logical volume is read-only because one or more extents on the logical volume are on a rank in the read-only data state. The access state is Online.
- Inaccessible
- One or more extents that are associated with the logical volume are on a rank that is in the inaccessible data state. The access state is Fenced.
- Virtual space fault
- The logical volume has a space-efficient storage allocation method, and enough space was not available to convert a virtual logical track to a real logical track. The access state is Online.
- Indeterminate data loss
- The following data states do not apply and that one of the following conditions occurred:Data states that do not apply:
- Rank failed
- Rank repairing
- Rank repaired
- Global inaccessible
- Global lost data
Conditions - One of the following conditions occurred:- Committed write data was lost before it was destaged and the track identifiers that are associated with the data are unknown.
- Data was lost that indicated extents on the logical volume were active FlashCopy® targets.
The access state is Fenced.
- Rank failed
- One or more extents that are associated with the logical volume are on a rank that is in the failed data state. The access state is Fenced.
- Rank repairing
- One or more extents that are associated with the logical volume are on ranks that are in the repairing data state. The access state is Fenced.
- Rank repaired
- One or more extents that are associated with the logical volume are on ranks that were in the repairing state, but are not in the repairing state now. The access state is Fenced.
- Global inaccessible
- The global metadata that is associated with the logical volume configuration is inaccessible. Some of the data that is associated with the logical volume might be inaccurate. The access state is Fenced.
- Global lost data
- Global metadata that is associated with the logical volume configuration was lost. As a result, some of the data that is associated with the logical volume might be inaccurate. The access state is Fenced.
- NVS data inaccessible
- Active NVS data is inaccessible for one or more logical volumes of an LSS group. The logical volumes in the LSS group cannot be made accessible. The access state is fenced.
- The logical volume is designated as a CKD alias.
- Configstate
- One of the following values can be displayed:
- Normal
- No logical volume configuration operations are in progress, and the volume is not being deconfigured, merged, or migrated.
- Configuring
- The logical volume is being configured for the first time.
- Reconfiguring
- The logical volume is allocating or deallocating extents due to a modification of the requested capacity attribute after initial creation.
- Deconfiguring
- The logical volume is starting to be deleted.
- Configuration error
- The initial configuration did not complete successfully. This state reflects an internal error condition and not an error in the request to create the volume. If you have a volume in this state, use the rmfbvol command to delete each volume that is listed with the configuration state of "configuration error".
- Merging
- The volume is in the process of merging. For example, merging from one extent pool to a different extent pool.
- Migrating
- The volume is starting to be migrated, or waiting to be migrated.
- Migration Cancelled
- The volume was starting to be migrated and then the ‘migcancel' action of the manageckdvol command was entered. This process left some of the extents waiting to be migrated in the source pool while other extents were already migrated to the target pool. Migration stopped, and cannot be resumed. If you have a volume in this state, try to migrate it again to the original source or target extent pool.
- Migration Paused
- The volume was starting to be migrated and then the ‘migpause' action of the manageckdvol command was entered. Migration stopped, but can be resumed.
- Migration Error
- The volume migration process failed to complete successfully. This state reflects an internal error condition and not an error in the user's request to migrate a volume. If you have a volume in this state, try to migrate it again to the original source or target extent pool.
- Reconfiguration error
- The reconfiguration request did not complete successfully.
- Deconfiguration error
- A request to delete a volume did not complete successfully. This state reflects an internal error condition and not an error in the request to remove the volume. To correct this state, you must reissue the rmfbvol command for the designated volume.
- Transposition Error
- The volume is in an extent pool that was unsuccessfully merged. This state reflects an internal error condition. Corrective action: Use the chextpool command with the -merge parameter again to redrive the merge extent pool and to correct this state.
- deviceMTM
- One of the following device MTMs can be displayed:
- 3380-2
- 3380-3
- 3390-3
- 3390-9
- Volser
- The volume serial number. A volume serial number is 6 bytes of data, displayed as 6 characters.
- Datatype
- The volume data type setting (3380 or 3390).
- Voltype
- The logical volume is one of the following types:
- CKD base
- CKD alias
- Orgbvols (original base vol)
- One of the following original base volumes can be specified:
- The original base CKD volume ID to which this CKD alias volume is assigned.Note: For a CKD Alias type volume, the base and alias volume IDs share a common LCU ID.
- " - " is displayed for a CKD base volume type.
- The original base CKD volume ID to which this CKD alias volume is assigned.
- Addrgrp
- The address group that contains this volume object. An address group ID is one hexadecimal character (0 - F).
- Extpool
- The extent pool ID. Note: Volumes that belong to an encrypted extent pool are encrypted. You can see the key group of an extent pool by using the lsextpool -l, or showextpool commands.
- Exts
- The number of real and virtual extents that are used by the designated volume ID.
- Cap(cyl)
- The quantity of volume cylinders that are available for host system access.
- Cap (2^30B)
- The size of volume that is available for host system access in gibibytes (GiB).
- Cap (10^9B)
- The size of volume that is available for host system access in decimal gigabyte (GB) units.
- Ranks
- The number of ranks the volume on.
- The storage allocation method. The following values are displayed:
- standard
- The system fully allocated the volume with real extents at volume creation time.
- tse
- A track space-efficient logical volume contains a set of virtual extents that are associated
with the space-efficient storage in the same extent pool. Physical space for a given logical track
on a track space-efficient logical volume is dynamically allocated and deallocated from the
repository in the space-efficient storage. Note: Track space-efficient (TSE) repositories are required to create TSE volumes. However, starting with DS8000® Release 8, TSE repositories can no longer be created.
- ese
- An extent space efficient logical volume is provisioned with a set of virtual extents that are associated with the space efficient storage in the same extent pool. Physical space for an extent space efficient logical volume is dynamically allocated and de-allocated from the extent pool.
- Repcapalloc
- The allocated physical repository capacity of the track space-efficient storage.
This value is calculated on the available repository capacity as a result of writes to the track space-efficient volume. This value is displayed in the format
of X.Y, where X is in whole gibibytes (1 GiB = 2^30 B). Y represents tenths of a GiB, which is
limited to a single digit (0 - 9).Note: A " - " value is displayed in this column if the value displayed in the SAM column is Standard or ESE.
- The extent allocation method that is used if the volume is migrated or expanded. One of the
following values is displayed:
- legacy
- The volume was created before the use of the current algorithm.
- rotateexts
- The extents for each new logical volume are allocated across all available ranks, and is also known as storage-pool striping. This value is the default.
- rotatevols
- The extents for each new logical volume are allocated from each successive rank. This approach means that the extents for a particular volume is allocated from one rank. The extents for the next volume will be allocated from the next successive rank, and so on.
- managed
- The extents are currently managed by Easy Tier®, and the extents for any new volumes are initially allocated across all available ranks in the lowest tier of storage.
- " – "
- A " - " value is displayed if the extent allocation method does not apply, for example, track space-efficient logical volumes.
- Reqcap (cyl)
- The requested quantity of volume CKD cylinders (for example, 3339).
- cap (Mod1)
- The quantity of Mod1 units (Mod1 = 1113 cylinders).
- realextents
- The number of real extents that are used by the logical volume.
- virtualextents
- The number of virtual extents that are used by the logical volume.
- realcap (cyl)
- The number of cylinders used by the specified logical volume.
- migratingcap (cyl)
- The number of cylinders for the specified volume that are currently being migrated.
- migrating
- The number of extents for the specified volume that are currently being migrated.
- migratingfrom
- A list of one or more extent pool IDs where the extents are migrating from. If no migrating extents exist, a dash "-" is displayed. Unknown Is displayed if information about the extent pool IDs is not available.
- perfgrp
- The performance group ID that the volume is assigned to. The performance group ID begins with the letters PG and ends with a decimal number.
- resgrp
- The resource group ID that the volume is assigned to. The resource group ID begins with the letters RG and ends with a decimal number.
- tierassignstatus
- Status of assigning a volume to a target tier.
- Assign Pending
- An assign action was specified, but has not started.
- Assign Pending Hardware
- An assign action was specified, but paused because of a hardware condition.
- Assigning
- An assign action is in progress.
- Assigned
- The volume was assigned to the specified tier.
- Unassign Pending
- An unassign action was specified, but has not started.
- Error
- An assign action that failed. See the tierassignerror value for the reason.
- Unknown
- An assign action was specified, but the specific action is unknown.
- " – "
- No assign action was specified (none).
- tierassignerror
- Failure reason if the status is Error.
- Easy Tier not active
- Easy Tier is not active. See the etmanaged column from lsextpool to see whether the volume is in a pool that is managed by Easy Tier. Use manageckdvol -action tierunassign to unassign the volume, ensure that the pool is managed by Easy Tier (see chsi), and then use manageckdvol -action tierassign to assign the volume again.
- Target Tier not available
- The specified target tier does not currently exist. Use manageckdvol -action tierunassign to unassign the volume, ensure that space is available on the specified tier, and then use manageckdvol -action tierassign to assign the volume again.
- Tier definitions have changed
- The target tier was valid, but defined tiers changed internally and the target tier is no longer valid. Use manageckdvol -action tierunassign to unassign the volume, and then use manageckdvol -action tierassign to assign the volume again.
- " – "
- The assign action status is not "Error".
- tierassignorder
- Method that is used to define the assigning order.
- Access
- Assign extents only when accessed.
- ETdata
- Assign high usage extents first, based on East Tier data.
- Unknown
- Unknown assigning order method.
- " – "
- No assigning action was specified.
- tierassigntarget
- Assigning action target tier.
- FlashTier0
- The tier of high performance flash drives.
- FlashTier1
- The first tier of high capacity flash drives.
- FlashTier2
- The second tier of high capacity flash drives.
- Enterprise tier consists of drives with speeds of 10K RPM, 15K RPM, or a combination of drives of both speeds.
- NL
- Nearline (NL) tier consists of high volume SATA or SAS Nearline disk drives.
- HDDExclude
- Any tier except enterprise (ENT) or nearline (NL).
- NLExcluded
- Enterprise tiers but not a Nearline tier.
- Unknown
- Assigning action was specified, but the target tier is unknown.
- " – "
- No assigning action was specified.
- %tierassigned
- Percentage of the volume that is assigned. The value is 0 (zero) if the volume is not assigned to a tier.
- etmonpauseremain
- The pause in Easy Tier monitoring. One of the following values is displayed:
- 0H1M-168H0M
- The time (in hours and minutes) that remains of the pause in the Easy Tier monitoring process.
- infinite
- Easy Tier monitoring remains paused until a resume action is submitted.
- -
- A dash (-) specifies that Easy Tier monitoring is not paused.
- unknown
- The system failed to query the time that remains of the pause.
- etmonitorreset
- Easy Tier extent pool monitoring reset date is as follows:
- date
- The date of the last Easy Tier monitoring reset in ISO 8601 format:
yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssZ, where
- yyyy
- The year
- MM
- The month (01-12)
- dd
- The day (01-31)
- T
- The single letter T without quotes
- HH
- The hour (00-23)
- mm
- The minutes (00-59)
- ss
- The seconds (00-59)
- Z
- The time zone offset from UTC [-HHmm | +HHmm]
- unknown
- The date in which Easy Tier monitoring of this extent pool was last reset is not known.
- unsupported
- Easy Tier extent pool management is not supported.
- safeguarded
- Whether Safeguarded Copy is enabled for the specified volume.
- safeguardedcap(cyl)
- The amount of safeguarded backup capacity that is reserved for Safeguarded Copies.
- safeguardedcapstate
- The state of the volume that contains safeguarded virtual capacity for the volume.
- Normal
- No volume expansion operations are in progress.
- Configuration error
- The initial configuration did not complete successfully. This state reflects an internal error condition and not an error in the request to create the volume. If you have a volume in this state, use the rmfbvol command to delete each volume listed with the configuration state of "configuration error".
- Configuring
- The volume is in the process of being configured for the first time.
- Deconfiguring
- The volume is in the process of being deleted.
- Deconfiguration error
- Indicates that a request to delete a volume did not complete successfully. This state reflects an internal error condition and not an error in the request to remove the volume. To correct this state, you must reissue the rmfbvol command for the designated volume.
- Expanding
- The volume is expanding.
- Global inaccessible
- The global metadata that is associated with the volume configuration is inaccessible. Some of the data that is associated with the logical volume might be inaccurate. The access state is Fenced.
- Global lost
- Indicates that global metadata that is associated with the volume configuration has been lost. As a result, some of the data that is associated with the volume might be inaccurate. The access state is fenced.
- Inaccessible
- Indicates that one or more extents that are associated with the volume are on a rank that is in the inaccessible data state. The access state is Fenced.
- Indeterminate data loss
- Data states that do not apply because one of the specified conditions occurred:Data states that do not apply:
- Rank failed
- Rank repairing
- Rank repaired
- Global inaccessible
- Global lost data
Conditions - one of the following occurred:- Committed write data was lost before it was destaged and the track identifiers that are associated with the data are unknown.
- Data was lost that indicated extents on the volume were active FlashCopy targets.
The access state is fenced.
- Merging
- The volume is in the process of merging. For example, merging from one extent pool to a different extent pool.
- Migrating
- The volume is in the process of migrating, or waiting to be migrated.
- Migration Cancelled
- The volume was in the process of migrating and then the ‘migcancel' action of the manageckdvol command was issued, leaving some of the extents waiting to be migrated in the source pool while other extents have already migrated to the target pool. Migration has stopped, and cannot be resumed. If you have a volume in this state, try to migrate it again to the original source or target extent pool.
- Migration Paused
- The volume was in the process of migrating and then the ‘migpause' action of the manageckdvol command was issued. Migration has stopped, but can be resumed.
- Migration Error
- The volume migration process failed to complete successfully. This state reflects an internal error condition and not an error in the request of the user to migrate a volume. If you have a volume in this state, try to migrate it again to the original source or target extent pool.
- NVS data inaccessible
- Indicates that active NVS data is inaccessible for one or more logical volumes of an LSS group. The logical volumes in the LSS group cannot be made accessible. The access state is Fenced.
- Pinned
- Indicates that none of the other data states apply and the volume has one or more pinned non-retryable tracks. The access state is Online.
- Rank failed
- Indicates that one or more extents that are associated with the volume are on a rank that is in the failed data state. The access state is Fenced.
- Rank repairing
- Indicates that one or more extents that are associated with the volume are on ranks that are in the repairing data state. The access state is Fenced.
- Rank repaired
- Indicates that one or more extents that are associated with the volume are on ranks that were in the repairing state, but are not in the repairing state now. The access state is Fenced.
- Read only
- The volume is read only because one or more extents on the volume are on a rank in the read only data state. The access state is Online.
- Reconfiguring
- The volume is in the process of allocating or deallocating extents due to a modification of the requested capacity attribute after initial creation.
- Reconfiguration error
- The reconfiguration request did not complete successfully.
- Transposition Error
- The volume is in an extent pool that was unsuccessfully merged. This state reflects an internal error condition. Corrective action: Use the chextpool command with the -merge parameter again to redrive the merge extent pool and to correct this state.
- safeguardedloc
- The pool where the Safeguarded Copies are written to.
- SGC Recovered
- Whether the volume has been recovered to a recovery volume.
Output definitions ( -rank parameter specified)
- Rank (Rank Extent table)
- The rank ID.
- Extents (Rank Extents table)
- The number of extents for the volume on the rank.
- Rank Extents Capacity (cyl)(Rank Extents table)
- The number of cylinders for the volume on the rank.
Example: Displaying performance metrics of an individual count key data (CKD) volume
The following tables represent the headers that are displayed on the output reports that are associated with the showckdvol command by using the -metrics parameter.
dscli> showckdvol -metrics IBM.2107-75FA120/0101
ID | Date |
rdrqts |
rdhits |
write req |
write hits |
read reqs |
read hits |
write req |
/04 02:23:49 |
10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 |
hits |
reqs |
hits |
reqs |
hits |
load |
cach |
DASD trans |
10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 |
trans |
trans |
spadel |
write ops |
ops |
cache mis |
prots |
trkac |
10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 |
irtrk hits |
delay |
ifact |
phread | phwrite | phwrite |
read |
writ |
10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 |
reads |
trk reads |
wrts |
trks |
spallo |
read |
write |
read |
10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 |
bytewrit | timeread | timewrite | zHPFRead | zHPFWrite |
10000 | 10000 | 10000 | - | - |
zHPFPrefetchReq | zHPFPrefetchHit |
0 | 0 |
GMCollisionsSidefileCount | GMCollisionsSendSyncCount |
0 | 0 |
Output definitions (-metrics parameter specified)
- ID
- The unique identifier that is assigned to this volume object.
- Date
- The current time stamp for the volume performance counters.
- normrdrqts
- The number of normal read operations that are assigned by a host to a volume.
- normrdhits
- The number of normal read operations where data did not move to or from a storage device.
- normwritereq
- Write Normal I/O Requests
- normwritehits
- DASD Fast Write I/O Request Hits
- seqreadreqs
- Search/Read Sequential I/O Requests
- seqreadhits
- Search/Read Sequential I/O Request Hits
- seqwritereq
- Write Sequential I/O Requests
- seqwritehits
- DASD Fast Write Sequential I/O Request Hits
- cachfwrreqs
- Search/Read Cache Fast Write I/O Requests
- cachfwrhits
- Search/Read Cache Fast Write I/O Request Hits
- cachfwreqs
- Cache Fast Write I/O Requests
- cachfwhits
- Cache Fast Write I/O Requests Hits
- inbcachload
- Inhibit Cache Loading I/O Requests that operate with DASD
- bypasscach
- Bypass Cache I/O Requests
- seqDASDtrans
- Sequential DASD to Cache Transfer Operations
- DASDtrans
- DASD to Cache Transfer Operation Count
- cachetrans
- Cache to DASD Transfer Operation Count
- NVSspadel
- DASD Fast Write Operations Delayed Due to nonvolatile storage Space Constraints
- normwriteops
- Normal ‘DASD Fast Write' Write Operation Counts
- seqwriteops
- Sequential Access ‘DASD Fast Write' Write Operation Counts
- reccachemis
- Number of record cache Read Misses
- qwriteprots
- Quick Write Promotes
- CKDirtrkac
- Irregular Track Accesses
- CKDirtrkhits
- Irregular Track Accesses Hits
- cachspdelay
- Operations Delayed Due To Cache Space Constraints
- timelowifact
- Milliseconds of lower interface I/O activity for the indicated device.
- phread
- Physical Storage Read Operations
- phwrite
- Physical Storage Write Operations
- phbyteread
- Physical storage bytes read in 128 KB increments.
- phbytewrit
- Physical storage bytes written in 128 KB increments.
- recmoreads
- The record mode read operations
- sfiletrkreads
- The number of tracks that are read from the Concurrent Copy or XRC Sidefile.
- contamwrts
- The number of contaminating writes for a Concurrent Copy or XRC volume
- PPRCtrks
- The number of tracks or portion of tracks that were transferred to the secondary device of a PPRC pair.
- NVSspallo
- The NVS space allocations
- timephread
- The physical storage read response time in 16 ms increments.
- timephwrite
- The physical storage write response time in 16 ms increments.
- byteread
- The number of bytes that are read in 128 KB increments
- bytewrit
- The number of bytes that are written in 128 KB increments.
- timeread
- The accumulated response time for all read operations.
- timewrite
- The accumulated response time for all write operations.
- zHPFRead
- The High Performance FICON® (HPF) Read I/O Requests for volume performance statistics.
- zHPFWrite
- The HPF Write I/O Requests for volume performance statistics.
- zHPFPrefetchReq
- The number of HPF Pre-fetch I/O requests.
- zHPFPrefetchHit
- The number of HPF Pre-fetch I/O request hits.
- GMCollisionsSidefileCount
- The number of Global Mirror Collisions sidefile.
- GMCollisionsSendSyncCount
- The number of Global Mirror Collisions Send Synchronous Count.
Example: Displaying a tier distribution table of an individual count key data (CKD) volume
If you specify the -tier parameter, a tier distribution table is appended to
the end of the
dscli> showckdvol –tier 0000
Name myvol0800 ID 0800 accstate Online datastate Normal configstate Normal ... migrating 20 perfgrp PG0 migratingfrom P0 resgrp RG1 tierassignstatus Assigning tierassignerror - tierassignorder ETdata tierassigntarget FlashTier0 %tierassigned 54 etmonpauseremain 1H44M etmonitorreset 2013-07-26T14:00:00+07 =============== Tier Distribution ================= Tier %allocated =============== FlashTier0 54 ENT 46
Output definitions ( -tier parameter is specified)
- Tier
- Tier ID
- FlashTier0
- The tier of high performance flash drives.
- FlashTier1
- The first tier of high capacity flash drives.
- FlashTier2
- The second tier of high capacity flash drives.
- Enterprise tier consists of drives with speeds of 10K RPM, 15K RPM, or a combination of drives of both speeds.
- NL
- Nearline (NL) tier consists of high volume SATA or SAS Nearline disk drives.
- Unknown
- Assigning action was specified, but the target tier is unknown.
Example: Using the -pathgrp parameter
If you specify the -pathgrp parameter and no path groups exist for this
volume, the following message diaplays:
CMUC00234I lsckdvol: No Path Groups found.If you specify the -pathgrp parameter and path groups exist for this volume, a path group status table appends to the resulting output.
dscli> showckdvol –pathgrp efff
Name efff
accstate Online
datastate Normal
configstate Normal
migrating 0
perfgrp PG31
migratingfrom -
resgrp RG62
===========================Path Group status=======================
GroupID State Reserve Mode Sysplex
800002B9472827CA78BC17 Ungrouped Disabled Single N/A
880005B9472827CAAD6FBA Grouped Disabled Multi-path N/A
800009B9472827CAC684B9 Ungrouped Disabled Single PLEXM1
Output definitions ( -pathgrp parameter is specified)
- GroupID
- The path group ID. An 11-byte value that is displayed as 22 hexadecimal characters. Note: The path group ID is supplied by the host and is not interpreted further by the storage system. This process means that the hosts are free to define, or redefine, the meaning of this value with no impact to the storage system. However, some programs such as ICKDSF break drown the ID into distinct fields with the following partial display of the ICKDSF logical path status table.
For more information, see the ICKDSF User’s Guide and Reference . Go to to access the ICKDSF PDF.+---------------------------+- | PATH GROUP ID | ... |------+------+----+--------+- | | |CPU |CPU TIME| | ID |SERIAL|TYPE| STAMP | ... +------+------+----+--------+- |800002|B947 |2827|CA78BC17| ... +------+------+----+--------+- |880005|B947 |2827|CAAD6FBA| ... +------+------+----+--------+- |800009|B947 |2827|CAC684B9| ... +------+------+----+--------+-
- State
- The grouped state of this path group. Valid state values are
. - Reserve
- The reserved state of this path group. Valid state values are
. - Mode
- The path mode for this path group. Valid mode values are
. - Sysplex
- The z/OS® sysplex name. If the name is not set or available, N/A is displayed.