The setoutput command sets or displays command output format options.
Use this command to set either default or user-defined output formats. The output format
remains during the active command session unless reset either with a command option or the
resubmission of the setoutput command. Running this command with no parameters
displays the current output settings in the default output format.
- -? | -h | -help
- (Optional) Displays a detailed description of this command, including syntax, parameter descriptions, and examples. If you specify a help option, all other command options are ignored.
- -fmt default | delim | xml | stanza
- (Optional) The format of the output. You can specify one of the following values:
- default
- Specifies that the output is to be displayed in a tabular format with a space as the delimiter between the columns. This value is the default.
- delim
- Specifies that the output format is to be set to a table and sets the column delimiter to a single character that is specified by the -delim char parameter.
- xml
- Specifies that the output is to be displayed in XML format.
- stanza
- Specifies that the output is to be displayed in a stanza (vertical table) format.
- -p off | on
- (Optional) Specifies whether to display one page of text at a
time or all of the text at once.
- off
- Displays all of the text at one time. This value is the default.
- on
- Displays one page of text at a time. Pressing any key displays the next page.
- -hdr on | off
- (Optional) Specifies whether to display the table header.
- on
- Displays the table header. This value is the default.
- off
- Does not display the table header.
- -delim char
- (Optional) Specifies that the delimiter character (such as a comma) used in the report.
- -r number
- (Optional) The number of rows per page to display when the -p parameter is on. The default is 24 rows. You can specify a value 1 - 100.
- -v off | on
- (Optional) Specifies whether to enable verbose mode.
- off
- Disables verbose mode. This value is the default.
- on
- Enables verbose mode.
- -bnr off | on
- (Optional) Specifies whether the banner (command header) message
is enabled.
- off
- Turns off the header mode so that the command header does not display.
- on
- Turns on the header mode so that the command header is displayed.
Format Examples
Setting command output with no options
The setoutput command with no options displays the current output settings in the default format (space-separated plain text table), regardless of the values of the output settings.
dscli> setoutput
The resulting output
Paging Rows Format Headers Verbose Banner ========================================== Off - Default On Off On
Setting command output to display in comma-separated format
The following lines are an example of the commands that you can enter to get (long) output in
comma-separated format for an unassigned rank only. Enter the setoutput command
to specify the report format and then enter the lsrank command to designate the
rank you want to
dscli> setoutput -fmt delim –delim ,
dscli> lsrank –dev IBM.2107-75FA120 -state unassigned
Note: Although this example shows the header turned
on, you can choose to turn off the header. To turn off the header, issue the command and include the
ID,Group,State,datastate,Array,RAIDtype,extpoolID,stgtype ========================================================= R0,-,Unassigned,Normal,A0,5,-,fb
Setting command output to display long output in XML format
The following lines are an example of the commands that you can enter to get (long) output in XML
format for an unassigned rank only. Enter the setoutput command to specify the
report format and then enter the lsrank command to designate the unassigned rank
that you want to
dscli> setoutput -fmt xml
dscli> lsrank –dev IBM.2107-75FA120 –state unassigned
<DISPLAY TYPE="string">R0</DISPLAY><VALUE TYPE="string">R0
<PROPERTY NAME="state"><DISPLAY TYPE="string">Unassigned</DISPLAY>
<VALUE TYPE="string">unassigned</VALUE></PROPERTY>
<VALUE TYPE="string">Normal</VALUE></PROPERTY>
<PROPERTY NAME="array_id><DISPLAY TYPE=string">A0
<PROPERTY NAME="extpool_id"><DISPLAY TYPE="string">-
<PROPERTY NAME="stgtype"><DISPLAY TYPE="string">fb</DISPLAY>
Setting command output to display long output in stanza format
When columns are horizontally long, output can be difficult to visually align. The stanza format
option eliminates this problem. The following output is an example of the commands that you can
enter to get (long) output in stanza format for an unassigned rank only. Issue the
setoutput command to specify the report format and then enter the
lsrank command to designate the unassigned rank that you want to
dscli> setoutput -fmt stanza
dscli> lsrank –dev IBM.2107-75FA120 –state unassigned
ID R0 Group - State unassigned datastate normal Array A0 RAIDtype 5 extpoolID - stgtype fb