The rmfbvol command deletes fixed block volumes from a storage image.
- You can use this command when there are volumes that are in the configuration error state. To correct this configuration state, issue the rmfbvol command for each affected volume. You can specify a volume range according to the command specifications when it is appropriate.
- Before Release 5.1, the storage system did not check before deleting a volume. With Release 5.1 and later, the storage system does not delete a volume that is in use. The phrase in use means that the volume is participating in a Copy Services relationship or is in a z/OS path group. Use the -force parameter to bypass the in-use checking and delete the volume. Use the -safe parameter for an additional check for volume participation in a non-default volume group before deleting the volume.
- -dev storage_image_ID
- (Optional) The storage image ID, which includes manufacturer, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified volume ID for all logical volumes, do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
- -quiet
- (Optional) Turns off the volume removal confirmation prompt for this command.
- -safe
- (Optional) Runs a check
to see whether the specified volumes are assigned to any non-default volume groups. If any volumes
are still assigned to a user-defined volume group, the rmfbvol command fails
without deleting any volumes. During this occurrence, messages are provided which list the volumes
that are still assigned to a user-defined volume group. Notes:
- If there is any reason that the system cannot run the check, the rmfbvol command fails and no volumes are deleted.
- The -safe and -force parameters cannot be specified at the same time.
- -force
- (Optional)
specified volumes without checking to see whether the volumes are in use. The phrase in use means that
the volume is participating in a Copy Services relationship or is in a z/OS path group. If
multiple volumes are specified and some are in use and some are not, the ones not in use can be
deleted. Note: The -safe and -force parameters cannot be specified at the same time.
- Volume_ID ... | -
- (Required) An array of one or more fixed block volume IDs to be removed. This parameter
also accepts a fully qualified volume ID, which includes the storage image ID, or a shortened
version without the storage image ID if the -dev parameter is specified.
Example of -dev parameter use
If you specify the -dev parameter, you can use the shortened version of the Volume_ID parameter as follows:
dscli> rmfbvol -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 0100-010F 0180-018F 0120
If you do not specify the -dev parameter and you specify the Volume_ID variable, you must use the fully qualified version of the volume ID as follows:
dscli> rmfbvol IBM.2107-75FA120/0100-010F 0180-018F 0120
Example: Deleting fixed block volumes from a storage image
dscli> rmfbvol -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 0100 0101
Are you sure you want to delete 0100? y/n Y
Volume 0100 successfully deleted.
Are you sure you want to delete 0101? y/n Y
Volume 0101 successfully deleted.
Example: Removing a range of Volume IDs
dscli> rmfbvol -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 0005-0024
CMUC00027W rmfbvol: Are you sure you want to delete FB
volume 0005-0024?
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0005 successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0006 successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0007 successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0008 successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0009 successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 000A successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 000B successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 000C successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 000D successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 000E successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 000F successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0010 successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0011 successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0012 successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0013 successfully deleted.
CMUC00028I rmfbvol: FB volume 0014 successfully deleted.