The resumepprc command resumes a remote mirror and copy (formerly PPRC) relationship for a volume pair.
- When you specify subsystem IDs, the source and target volumes are restricted to one LSS for the source and one LSS for the target.
- When you use the -wait parameter, periodically issue the lspprc command. This command allows you to verify which of the states that the pair has reached during processing.
- You cannot issue other commands while the -wait parameter is processing. The entire transaction must complete before you can proceed with commands other than status commands like list commands or show commands.
- -dev storage_image_ID
- (Optional) The source storage image ID consists of the manufacturer name, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified source volume ID, do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter will temporarily override any defined value for devid for the current command.
- -remotedev storage_image_ID
- (Optional)The target storage image ID consists of the manufacturer name, machine type, and serial number. This parameter is required if you do not specify a fully qualified target volume ID or if you specify the -dev parameter.
- -type mmir | gcp
- (Required) Modifies one or more remote mirror and copy volume
relationships to be either Metro Mirror (synchronous) or Global Copy
(extended distance) relationships.
- mmir
- Metro Mirror processing maintains the remote mirror and copy relationship in a consistent (synchronous) manner when the updates are committed to the target. This process becomes slower as the physical distance between source and target increases.
- gcp
- Global Copy processing maintains the remote mirror and copy relationship in a nonsynchronous manner when the updates are committed to the source. Updates to the target volume are performed at a later point in time. The original order of updates is not strictly maintained.
- -cascade
- (Optional) Enables a remote mirror and copy target volume to be a remote mirror and copy source volume for a different remote mirror and copy volume relationship.
- -tgtonline
- (Optional) Establishes a remote mirror and copy volume relationship, including when the target volume is online to host systems. This parameter applies to IBM® Z volumes. It does not apply to open systems volumes.
- -tgtread
- (Optional) Allows host servers to read from the remote mirror and copy target volume. For a host server to read the volume, the remote mirror and copy pair must be in a full-duplex state. This parameter applies to open systems volumes and does not apply to IBM Z volumes. The default value for this parameter is disabled.
- -critmode
- (Optional) Protects the source volume from receiving new data. If the last path fails between the pairs, which results in the inability to send information to the target, the source is protected. Current updates and subsequent attempts to update the source fail, with a unit check on IBM Z .
- -suspend
- (Optional) Suspends the specified remote mirror and copy relationship when the task completes. This parameter is not valid for a Global Copy (extended distance) remote mirror and copy volume relationship. This parameter is not valid for a Metro Mirror (synchronous) remote mirror and copy volume relationship that is established with the No Copy option.
- -resetreserve
- (Optional) Establishes the remote mirror and copy relationship when the volume on the secondary logical subsystem is reserved by another host. If this parameter is not specified and the volume on the secondary logical subsystem is reserved, the command fails.
- -tgtse
- (Optional) The secondary volume is a space-efficient logical volume.
- -disableautoresync
- (Optional) Allows you to disable the mechanism that automatically resumes a suspended Global Copy relationship. The default is not disabled.
- -wait
- (Optional) Delays a command response until remote copy and mirror volumes are in one of the final states: simplex, full duplex, suspended, secondary full duplex, secondary suspended or secondary simplex (until the pair is not in the Copy Pending state). This parameter cannot be used with the -type gcp or -mode nocp parameters.
- SourceVolumeID:TargetVolumeID ... | -
- (Required) The remote mirror and copy volume relationship is resumed for the source and target volume pairs with the specified IDs.
Example: Resuming a remote mirror and copy relationship for a volume pair
dscli> resumepprc -dev IBM.2107-75FA120
-remotedev IBM.2107-75FA150 0100:0100
Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair IBM.2107-75FA120/0100:0103
relationship successfully resumed. This message is being returned before the copy completes.