
The pausepprc command pauses an existing Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship or pauses a single volume ID.

To use this command with a single volume, you must specify either the -at src parameter option or the -at tgt parameter option. If neither of these options are specified in the command, single volumes are not valid.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram pausepprc  -dev   storage_image_ID  -remotedev  storage_image_ID  -at  src  tgt  -unconditional  SourceVolumeID:TargetVolumeID   ...   "-"


Note: When you specify SSIDs, the command is limited to one LSS pair.
-dev storage_image_ID
(Optional) The source storage image ID consists of the manufacturer name, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified source volume ID, do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
Example of a fully qualified storage image ID: IBM.2107-75FA120.
-remotedev storage_image_ID
(Optional most times) The target storage image ID consists of the manufacturer name, machine type, and serial number.
Note: The -remotedev parameter is required when volume pairs are specified and the -dev parameter is specified, as well.
-at src | tgt
(Optional) Initiates a suspend action from either the source volume or the target volume.
Initiates a suspend action from the source volume. After the task successfully runs, the source and target volumes are in the suspend state.
The -at src parameter option can also be used with single volumes. When you specify a single volume using this option, the volume is treated as a source and the target is treated as a null.
Initiates a suspend action from the target volume. After the command successfully runs, the target volume is in the suspend state, but there is no guarantee that the source volume is suspended as well. For a suspend action that is issued to the target, the source can remain in the active state.
The -at tgt parameter option can also be used with single volumes. When you specify a single volume using this parameter option, the volume is treated as a target and the source is treated as a null.
  1. If you specify the -at tgt or -at src parameter and the -unconditional parameter, the value for the -remotedev parameter is ignored.
  2. If you specify the -at tgt parameter and do not specify the -unconditional parameter, the values for the -dev and SourceVolumeID parameters are ignored.
  3. If you specify the -at src parameter and do not specify the -unconditional parameter, the values for the -remotedev and TargetVolumeID parameters are ignored.
(Optional) A source or target volume is selected individually, and not as a pair. The -unconditional parameter is valid only if the -at parameter is selected. Do not use volume pair IDs.
  1. The source volume ID must be specified when you specify the -at src parameter.
  2. The target volume ID must be specified when you specify the -at tgt parameter.
SourceVolumeID:TargetVolumeID ... | -
(Required) The Remote Mirror and Copy volume relationship for the source and target volume pairs with the specified IDs are to be paused.
Note: Provide a single volume ID instead of a volume pair if you use the -unconditional parameter. Specifying pairs results in a format error.
This parameter accepts fully qualified volume IDs, which includes storage image IDs, or a shortened version without storage image IDs if the -dev parameter is specified. You must separate multiple remote mirror and copy pair IDs with spaces.
A Remote Mirror and Copy pair ID consists of two volume IDs, one designated as the source and the other as the target volume for a Remote Mirror and Copy relationship. You must separate the two volume IDs of a remote mirror and copy pair ID with a colon and no space. The first volume ID is the source volume. The second volume ID is the target volume.
The volume ID is a 32-bit number that can be represented as four hexadecimal digits in the form of XYZZ, where:
The logical subsystem number, 00 - FE.
The volume number, 00 - FF.
The address group, 0 - F.
The ellipsis (...) indicates that, optionally, you can specify multiple values. If you use the dash (-), the specified value is read from standard input. You cannot use the dash (-) while you are in the DS CLI interactive command mode.
Note: Requests directed to target volumes are sent to the Storage Image identified by the -dev parameter or is embedded in the fully qualified single volume IDs.
Example of a fully qualified pair: IBM.2107-75FA120/0100:IBM.2107-75FA150/0100
Example of a shortened version: 0100:0100
Example of multiple pairs: 0101:0101 0102:0102 0103:0103

Example: Pausing an existing Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship

dscli> pausepprc -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 
-remotedev IBM.2107-75FA150 0100:0100
Remote Mirror and Copy pair IBM.2107-75FA120/0100:0103
 successfully paused.