
The mkvolgrp command creates a volume group in a storage image.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammkvolgrp  -dev  storage_image_ID  -hosttype  host_type  -type  scsimask scsimap256  os400mask  -volume  volume_ID   . . .  -lun  lun_ID  Volume_Group_Name  " - "


  1. The ID is assigned during volume group creation based on the current configuration, past configuration changes, and other internal considerations. No algorithm is available to accurately predict the newly created volume group ID in every case.
  2. Ensure that you use the -hosttype parameter when you issue this command.

If you are using an HP-UX operating system, the number of volumes in the volume group must not exceed 7 volumes. This restriction only applies when the hostconnect attribute for the -addrdiscovery parameter is set to reportlun and the associated volume group is of type scsimap256.

-dev storage_image_ID
(Optional). The storage image ID, which includes manufacturer, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified volume ID, do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter will temporarily override any defined value for devid for the current command.
Example: IBM.2107-75FA120
-hosttype host_type
(Optional) Use this parameter as an alternative method for specifying the type of Volume Group.
Note: You cannot use this parameter with the -type parameter.
-type | scsimask | scsimap256 | os400mask
(Optional). The type of the volume group.
scsimask (default)
Creates a SCSI mask volume group. This option is available if the host adapter supports four-byte LUN addresses.
Creates a SCSI-MAP 256 volume group.
Creates an OS/400 mask volume group. The IBM® i host system typically uses fixed block volumes of 520-byte logical block size. This option is available only if the host adapter supports four-byte LUN addresses.
Note: This volume group is also referred to as SCSI520-MASK. When an error message is displayed for the os400mask, SCSI520-MASK is referenced instead.
Note: You cannot use this parameter with the -type parameter.
-volume volume_ID | . . .
(Optional). The array of volume IDs to include in the volume group. For the -type scsimap256 parameter, the array cannot exceed 256 volume ID entries. Otherwise, up to 64 384 entries are allowed.
The volume ID is a 32-bit number that can be represented as 4 hexadecimal digits in the form of XYZZ where:
The address group, 0–F.
The logical subsystem number, 00 - FE.
The volume number, 00 - FF.
To specify a range of volume IDs, separate the volume IDs with a dash (–).
You must separate multiple volume IDs or ranges of volume IDs with a comma between each ID or range of IDs.
Example: 0100-010F,0180-018F,0120
-lun lun_ID
(Optional) The LUN ID in hexadecimal value (00 - FF) which is mapped to the specified volume ID for a SCSI-MAP256 type volume group. If multiple volume IDs are specified by the -volume parameter, LUN IDs are assigned consecutively in incremental order.
Note: This parameter is only valid for a SCSI-MAP 256 type volume group. If this parameter is specified for any other type of volume group, the command fails.
Volume_Group_Name | -
(Required). The volume group name, not to exceed 16 characters. Ensure that the name is unique within the scope of the storage image. Accepts a fully qualified volume group name or a shortened version, if the -dev parameter is specified.
If you use the dash (-), the specified value is read from standard input. You cannot use the dash (-) while you are in the DS CLI interactive command mode.

Example: Creating a volume group in a storage image

dscli> mkvolgrp -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 -volume 0000-000F host_xyz_volumes
Volume group V0 successfully created.