
The mkgmir command starts Global Mirror for a specified session.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammkgmir  -dev  storage_image_ID  -lss  LSS_ID  -cginterval  seconds -coordinate  milliseconds -drain  seconds -session  session_ID  Master_Control_Path_LSS_ID:Subordinate_Control_Path_LSS_ID ...   "-"


Note: If you are using the Cisco MDS 9216 Multilayer Fabric Switch, you must not enable the write acceleration feature. The mkgmir command might fail if the write acceleration feature is enabled.
-dev storage_image_ID
(Optional)The storage image ID consists of the manufacturer name, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified LSS ID. It is also required if you do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. The -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
-lss LSS_ID
(Required) The master logical subsystem (LSS) that receives the mkgmir command. This parameter accepts a fully qualified master LSS ID. The parameter includes either the storage image ID or a shortened version without the storage image ID if you specify the -dev parameter.
-cginterval seconds
(Optional) The consistency group interval time, in seconds. This number specifies how long to wait between the formation of consistency groups. If this number is not specified or is set to zero, consistency groups are formed continuously. The consistency group interval setting is required for a start action. If not specified, the default interval is zero. The consistency group interval setting can be modified for a resume action; otherwise, the interval that is specified for the start action is maintained.

The maximum value is 65,535 seconds.

-coordinate milliseconds
(Optional) The maximum coordination interval, in milliseconds. This value indicates the maximum time that Global Mirror processing queues primary/host/IO to start forming a consistency group. The coordination interval setting is required for a start action. If this value is not specified, the default interval is 50 milliseconds.

The coordination interval setting can be modified for a resume action: otherwise, the interval that is specified for the start action is maintained. The maximum value is 65,535 milliseconds.

-drain seconds
(Optional) The maximum consistency group drain time in seconds and the maximum amount of time that the consistent set of data is allowed to drain to the remote site before the current consistency group fails. The drain time setting is required for a start action. If the drain time is not specified, the default drain time is 240 seconds.

The drain time setting can be modified for a resume action; otherwise, the time that is specified for the start action is maintained.

-session session_ID
(Required) The Global Mirror for the specified session is start or resume. A session ID is a Global Mirror session number that you assign in the 01 - FF hexadecimal range.
Example: 01
Master_Control_Path_LSS_ID:Subordinate_Control_Path_LSS_ID ... | -
(Optional) One or more Global Mirror associations. A Global Mirror association consists of two fully qualified LSS IDs. The first is designated as the master resource and the second is the subordinate resource between a PPRC path that was established. An LSS ID is a two-character value hexadecimal value in the range 00 - FE. You must separate the fully qualified LSS IDs of a Global Mirror association with a colon and no spaces. The master resource must be identical for all relationships.
The ellipsis (...) indicates that, optionally, you can specify multiple values. If you use the dash (-), the specified value is read from standard input. However, you cannot use the dash (-) if you are using the DS CLI interactive mode.

Example: Starting Global Mirror for session 01

dscli> mkgmir -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 
-lss 10 -session 01 IBM.2107-75FA120/00:IBM.2107-75FA150/00
Global Mirror for session 01 successfully started.