The manageextpool command starts a process to initiate a change on extent pools.
- -dev storage_image_ID
- (Optional) The storage image ID, which consists of manufacturer, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified volume ID or do not set the devid variable in your profile. The storage image ID is also required if the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
- -action etmigpause|etmigresume|etmonpause|etmonresume |etmonreset
- (Required) Select one of the following actions:
- etmigpause
- Easy Tier migrations of this storage pool are paused, including migrations that are required to relieve rank bandwidth performance issues. Easy Tier monitoring is unaffected by this action.
- etmigresume
- Easy Tier migrations of this storage pool are resumed. Easy Tier monitoring is unaffected by this action.
- etmonpause
- Easy Tier monitoring of this storage pool is paused. All current Easy Tier migration plans are unaffected, but no new migration plans are formed.
- etmonresume
- Easy Tier monitoring of this storage pool is resumed. Any current Easy Tier migration plans are unaffected.
- etmonreset
- All Easy Tier monitoring data (history), including migration plans, are erased. All new plans are based on new monitoring data.
- -duration time
- (Optional) The hours of the pause time in ISO 8601 format. For example, -duration
24H. The maximum value of the time is a week, which is 168 hours (168H). You can
specify this option only with -action
etmigpause or etmonpause parameters.Note: If you want the duration of the pause to be infinite, you must specify -duration 0H. Otherwise, if you do not specify a value with the -duration parameter, the default is 168H.
- extent_pool_ID
- (Required) The ID of the extent pool that is being managed. Example: IBM.2107-75FA123/P11
Example: Pausing Easy Tier migrations on extent pool
dscli> manageextpool –action etmigpause –duration 1H IBM.2107-75FA120/P21
The etmigpause action for extent Pool IBM.2107-75FA120/P21 has completed.