
The lshost command displays a list of hosts for a specified storage system and status information for each host in the list.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram lshost  -dev  storage_image_ID  -s  -l  -cluster cluster_name -state  online  offline host_name  ...   "-"


-dev storage_image_ID
(Optional) The storage image ID, which consists of manufacturer, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified host connection ID. It is also required if you did not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
(Optional) Only the host name in the command output. You cannot specify the -s and -l parameters together.
(Optional) The default output plus the description that you included for each host in the list. You cannot specify the -s and -l parameters together.
-cluster cluster_name
(Optional) All hosts under this cluster.
-state online | offline
(Optional) All hosts with the specified state of online or offline.
host_name ... | -
(Optional) Host information for the host names that are specified. Multiple names must be separated with a white space between each name or ID. The ellipsis (...) indicates that you can specify multiple values. If you use the dash (-), the specified value is read from standard input. You cannot use the dash (-) while you are in the DS CLI interactive command mode.

Example: Displaying a list of hosts for a specified storage system and status information for each host in the list

dscli> lshost -l 


Name Type State Cluster AddrMode Volumes Host ports I/O ports
Host_1 VMWare Offline cluster_1 scsimap256 8 8 32
Host_2 VMWare Offline - scsimap2566 6 8 32
Host_3 VMWare Offline - scsimap2560 0 8 32

Report field definitions

The name that you assigned to the host.
The name of the host type as defined by the operating system.

Unknown displays when the information is not available and indicates that the host type was not specified when the host connection was created or modified.

Specifies one of the states of the specified host.
If at least one host port is in the logged-in state, the state displays as online.
If no host ports were added to the specified host, or if all of the added host ports are logged out, the state displays as offline.
The name of the cluster that the specified host is assigned to.
The method that is used by the host to discover the LUNs that are available to its host ports (for example, scsimask, scsimap256, os400mask).
The number of volumes that are mapped to the specified host.
Host ports+
The number of host ports that are mapped to the specified host.
I/O ports+
The number of I/O ports that the specified host is allowed to log in to. A value of All indicates that the specified SCSI host is allowed to log in to any I/O ports.
Displayed when the -s parameter is specified.
Displayed only when the -l parameter is specified.