The lsflash command displays a list of FlashCopy® relationships and status information for each FlashCopy relationship in the list.
- -dev storage_image_ID
- (Optional) The storage image ID consists of the manufacturer name, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified ID for the source and target volumes, do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
- -s
- (Optional) Displays FlashCopy pair IDs. You cannot use the -s and the -l parameters together.
- -l
- (Optional) Displays the default output plus additional attributes that are identified as long output. You cannot use the -s and the -l parameters together.
- -activecp
- (Optional) Displays the FlashCopy relationships
where their background copy process is active. Note: The background copy process might be inactive for a while before it starts.
- -dataset
- (Optional) Displays the volumes that are participating in Dataset FlashCopy relationships.
- -record
- (Optional) Displays only the FlashCopy relationships that were established with the –record or -multinc option.
- -persist
- (Optional) Displays the FlashCopy relationships that were established with the -persist parameter and will remain until the FlashCopy relationships until they are removed.
- -revertible
- (Optional) Displays the FlashCopy relationships that were established with the -revertible parameter. This parameter determines whether data committed to the target volume forms a new consistency group or reverts to the last consistency group.
- -cp
- (Optional) Displays the FlashCopy relationships that were established with the -cp parameter.
- -tgtse
- (Optional) Displays the FlashCopy relationships that have a space-efficient target.
- -state valid | invalid | validation-required |volume-inaccessible | tgt-failed | not-valid
- (Optional) Displays the FlashCopy relationships
that are identified by the specific state. Note: When you specify not-valid, all FlashCopy relationships that do not meet the requirements for the valid state are displayed.
- -seqnum flash_sequence_number
- (Optional) Displays the FlashCopy relationships that are associated with the specified sequence number. The default is 0000.
- -retry count[,interval]
- (Optional) Displays the number of retries that the system uses to process a validation-required state.
- source_volume_ID:target_volume_ID | volume_ID ... | -
- (Required) Displays the FlashCopy relationships for the source and target volume pairs with the specified IDs, or displays the FlashCopy relationships for a single volume ID if the volume ID is specified.
Example: Displaying a list of FlashCopy relationships and status information for each FlashCopy relationship
dscli> lsflash -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 -l 0100:0200 0101:0201 0102:0202 0103:0203
ID | SrcLSS |
Active Copy
0100:0200 | 01 | 10 | 60 | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled |
0101:0201 | 01 | 10 | 60 | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled |
0102:0202 | 01 | 11 | 60 | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled |
0103:0203 | 01 | 11 | 60 | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled |
Write- Enabled |
Write- Enabled |
ground- Copy |
Recovered |
Tracks |
Created |
Synced |
State |
TgtSE |
Enabled | Disabled | Disabled | Yes | 0 |
/2007 02:20:00 |
/2007 02:23:47 |
Valid | TSE |
Enabled | Disabled | Disabled | No | 0 |
/2007 02:20:00 |
/2007 02:23:47 |
Valid | TSE |
Enabled | Disabled | Disabled | Yes | 0 |
/2007 02:20:00 |
/2007 02:23:47 |
Valid | ESE |
Enabled | Disabled | Disabled | No | 0 |
/2007 02:20:00 |
/2007 02:23:47 |
Valid | ESE |
Output definitions
- ID
- The FlashCopy pair ID, which consists of two volume IDs, one designated as the source and the other as the target volume for a FlashCopy relationship. For dataset FlashCopy relationships, the source volume ID is the same as the target volume ID, which indicates that this volume is participating as a source or a target in a dataset FlashCopy relationship.
- SrcLSS
- The Consistency Group LSS ID that is associated with the source volume of this FlashCopy relationship.
- SequenceNum
- The sequence number that is associated with the FlashCopy relationship. Note: This item is not supported on the 2105.
- Timeout
- The consistency group Long Busy Timeout setting for the LSS ID that is associated with the source volume of this FlashCopy relationship. This value can be modified using the chlss (FB) or the chlcu (CKD) command.
- ActiveCopy
- The background copy process is active for this FlashCopy relationship.
- Recording
- The FlashCopy relationship was created with one of
the change recording options. One of the following values is displayed for each FlashCopy relationship:
Table 1. Change recording options Option Description Disabled The relationship was created without any of the change recording parameters. Enabled A type 1 relationship that was created with the –record parameter but without the -multinc parameter. MultInc A type 2 relationship that was created with the –record and –multinc parameters or with the –multinc parameter, but without – record parameter. - Persistent
- The FlashCopy relationship was established with the persistent option and will remain until it is removed.
- Revertible
- The FlashCopy relationship was established to allow the FlashCopy relationship target volume to be reverted to the last consistency group.
- SourceWriteEnabled
- The FlashCopy relationship was established to allow source writes.
- TargetWriteEnabled
- The FlashCopy relationship was established to allow target writes.
- BackgroundCopy
- The FlashCopy relationship was established with the run background copy option.
- SGCRecovered
- The SGCRecovered field indicates whether the volume is in a Safeguarded recovery relationship or not.
- OutOfSyncTracks
- The number of tracks that are not synchronized for this FlashCopy relationship. The maximum value that can be displayed is dependent on the source volume size. A dash (-) is displayed when the track counter is not available.
- DateCreated
- The date and the time that the FlashCopy relationship was established.
- DateSynced
- The date and time that FlashCopy relationship was synchronized, or specifies " - " if the relationship is not synchronized.
- State
- The state of the FlashCopy relationships. One of the
following values is displayed for each FlashCopy
relationship:Note: When a query indicates any state other than valid, the only information that is displayed on the report is the FlashCopy pair ID and the state condition. The rest of the information columns are displayed with a " - " value.
- Valid
- The FlashCopy relationship is in a normal state, and that it has been queried successfully.
- Validation Required
- The FlashCopy relationship cannot be queried. The reason that the query is blocked is only temporary. If you issue a new query within several seconds, the problem no longer exists.
- Tgt Failed
- The FlashCopy relationship is in an error state. The point-in-time copy is lost, and the FlashCopy relationship must be withdrawn. You must issue the rmflash command to remove the FlashCopy relationship.
- Volume Inaccessible
- The volume cannot be accessed and that the query has failed. When this state is displayed, it generally means that the volume is in a fenced condition.
- Invalid
- A general internal error occurred when the query was processed.
- Dataset
- The source volume is participating as a source or a target in a dataset, or extent level, FlashCopy relationship.
Note: For dataset FlashCopy relationships, a dash (-) will be listed for all of the fields except the ID and the State. - isTgtSE
- The FlashCopy relationship has a space-efficient
target. Valid options include:
- No
- The target is not space-efficient.
- The target is a track space-efficient volume.
- The target is an extent space-efficient (ESE) volume. ESE volumes are used for thin provisioning.
- Unknown
- The space allocation method of the target is not known.