Registered state-change notifications on IBM Z hosts

Review information about registered state-change notifications (RSCNs) on IBM® Z hosts.

This configuration enables all ports in the switch with a Fibre Channel connection to communicate with each other and to receive RSCNs about each other. You can set the zones.

Review the following recommendations:

  • If you have FICON-only environments, do not disable the default zone.
  • If you have FICON® environments and plan to add (or already have) Fibre Channel intermix on the switch, ensure that all FICON host adapters and all FICON-capable device ports are in an explicitly defined common zone.
  • If you have open-systems traffic with Fibre Channel Protocol, continue to create zones that include the host ports and storage ports. Multiple overlapping zones must be used in this case to support communication from multiple host ports to share device ports.