Starting Tools Customizer

Start Tools Customizer by running a REXX EXEC from the ISPF Command Shell panel.

Before you begin

Tools Customizer must be SMP/E installed. You must know the high-level qualifier of where the Tools Customizer libraries reside. The high-level qualifier is considered to be all the segments of the data set name except the lowest-level qualifier, which is SCCQEXEC.
Attention: Ensure that Tools Customizer load libraries are not APF authorized. APF authorizing Tools Customizer libraries results in an abend.

About this task

To run the REXX EXEC, you must either change the placeholder in the EXEC for the high-level qualifier of the Tools Customizer EXEC library or pass the high-level qualifier as a parameter when you run the EXEC. The REXX EXEC is in the CCQTCZ member of the EXEC library.


  1. Optional: Change the placeholder for the high-level qualifier in the REXX EXEC:
    1. Find the EXEC library data set for Tools Customizer. The name of the data set is high_level_qualifier.SCCQEXEC.
    2. Edit data set member CCQTCZ and replace the <TCZ HLQ> string with the high-level qualifier of the EXEC library data set.
      For example, if the name of the Tools Customizer EXEC library is CCQTCZ.USABSAND.SCCQEXEC, replace <TCZ HLQ> with CCQTCZ.USABSAND.
    You have to change the placeholder for the high-level qualifier only once. When you run the REXX EXEC, you do not have to pass the high-level qualifier as a parameter.
  2. Run the REXX EXEC (CCQTCZ):
    1. From the ISPF Primary Option Menu, select option 6.
      The ISPF Command Shell panel is displayed.
    2. Specify the EX command to run the REXX EXEC.
      For example, if the Tools Customizer EXEC library is CCQTCZ.USABSAND.SCCQEXEC and you changed the placeholder for the high-level qualifier in the REXX EXEC, specify:
      If you did not change the placeholder for the high-level qualifier in the REXX EXEC, specify:
      You can also specify a trace data set name and a user profile when you run the REXX EXEC.
      • The default trace data set name is USERID.CCQ.TRACE. To specify a different trace data set name, append the trace data set name to the command. For example, to specify a trace data set name of CCQTCZ.MYTRACE, enter:
      • To specify a user profile other than your own, append the user profile name to the command. For example, to specify a user profile of SHRPROF, enter:

        Tools Customizer will use the settings from the specified profile. This profile will be updated when you exit Tools Customizer, but your own profile will remain unchanged.


The IBM Customizer Tools for z/OS main menu panel is displayed.

What to do next

If you are running Tools Customizer for the first time, you must modify the Tools Customizer user settings. If you have already set the Tools Customizer user settings, either customize or recustomize Db2 Query Monitor.