Upgrading data in the Performance History Database

You can upgrade your Performance History Database from Db2 Query Monitor 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 by customizing and submitting two jobs. Customizable JCL for each job is provided in the sample library.


The following requirements and limitations apply to the offload upgrading process.

  • Db2 Query Monitor 3.4.0 automatically supports all 3.3.0 Performance History Files, 3.4.0 is capable of offloading 3.3.0 Performance History Files. Any 3.4.0 data that is not present is offloaded as default values.
  • The Performance History Database table names use the CQM_ prefix. Prior releases used release-specific prefix, for example CQM32_ is used for Db2 Query Monitor 3.3.0. The ability to rename the table names has been deprecated and might be removed in a future release.

Upgrading your Performance History Database

If you intend to keep V3.3 Offload data, update the existing offload tables by using the SCQMSAMP member CQMALT01. Otherwise, you can create new tables using Tool Customizer or SCQMSAMP member CQMDDL. If you are using the Tool Customizer without applying PH60433 to create the offload tables, then you need to update and execute SCQMSAMP member CQMALT02.

Upgrading your accelerator data

If your target is accelerator shadow tables (not accelerator-only tables) for Db2 Query Monitor 3.4.0, customize and run highlevel.SCQMSAMP member CQMIDAAL according to the instructions in the member.