Specifying a single Db2 subsystem for SQL text

You can specify a single Db2 subsystem for use, when multiple Db2 subsystems exist for the selected SQL text.

About this task

If you attempt to view activity summary information for a dynamic SQL statement that runs on more than one Db2 subsystem, you must specify the Db2 subsystem ID that you want to use with IBM® Db2 SQL Performance Analyzer for z/OS®.


  1. On the Db2 Query Monitor main menu, type 1 in the Option field and press Enter.
  2. Select the summary level you want to use to locate the dynamic SQL statement that ran on multiple Db2 subsystems (these include 1-Plan, 3-DBRM/Package, or 4-AuthID). If you select 2-DB2, you are not required to specify a Db2 subsystem using the Multiple Db2 Subsystems for SQL Text panel because you specified the DB2 subsystem of interest prior to IBM Db2 SQL Performance Analyzer for z/OS analysis.
  3. Type the S and A line commands to select and request analysis for the dynamic SQL text of interest.
    The Multiple Db2 Subsystems for SQL Text panel is displayed:
    Figure 1. Multiple DB2 Subsystems for SQL Text panel
    CQM$MDB2 ----- Multiple DB2 Subsystems for SQL text -------------- 
    Option  ===> _________________________________________________     
    Multiple DB2 Subsystems exist for the selected SQL text.          
    Please enter a DB2 Subsystem.                                     
    DB2 Subsystem ID  ... ____                                       
    Press Enter to process request or PF3/CANCEL to exit

    The following options are available:

    Db2 Subsystem ID
    The Db2 subsystem for which you want IBM Db2 SQL Performance Analyzer for z/OS to process.
  4. Specify the Db2 subsystem ID of interest in the Db2 Subsystem ID field and press Enter. The Export SQL Text to DSN panel displays.
  5. Specify the data set to which exported SQL text is to be stored and whether or not to execute IBM Db2 SQL Performance Analyzer for z/OS against the exported data set.
  6. Press Enter.