Activity summaries - line commands (ISPF)
The line commands that are available on the activity summary panels allow you to refine your view of query information. The line commands that are available vary based on your drill-down path.
- 1. P - Plan
- Display the plans for the SQL activity.
- 2. 2 - DB2 (Op)
- Display the Db2 subsystems for the SQL activity (operational summaries).
- 3. R - Pgm
- Display the programs for the SQL activity.
- 4. U - Auth
- Display the Db2authorization IDs for the SQL activity.
- 5. 5 - DB2 (St)
- Display the Db2subsystems for the SQL activity (structural summaries).
- 6. J - DBase
- Display the databases for the SQL activity.
- 7. F - Buff
- Display the buffer pools for the SQL activity.
- 8. G - PSet
- Display the page sets for the SQL activity.
- 9. O - Objs
- Display the objects for the SQL activity.
- 10. I - Corr
- Display the correlation IDs for the SQL activity.
- 11. T - Sect
- Display the sections for the SQL activity.
- 12. C - Call
- Display the SQL calls for the SQL activity.
- 13. W - WSUs
- Display the workstation user ID for the SQL activity.
- 14. M - WSNm
- Display the workstation name for the SQL activity.
- 15. N - WSTr
- Display the workstation transaction for the SQL activity.
- 16. S - SQL
- Display the individual SQL statements for the SQL activity.
- 17. V - View
- View the SQLCODE messages for the SQL activity.
- 18. PA - Analyze
- Analyze the SQL statement.
- 19. D - Delay
- Display a list of delay events, delay counts, and delay times for the SQL activity.
- 20. L - Lock
- Display a list of lock events and lock counts for the SQL activity.
- 21. Q - Misc
- Display additional statistics for the SQL activity.
- 22. B - BStat
- Display buffer pool usage statistics for the SQL activity.
- 23. E - Excp
- Display exception information for the SQL activity.
- 24. A - CAct
- Display current SQL activity information.
- 25. Z - Accel
- Display the name of the accelerator where the SQL activity ran. For more information, see Displaying IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS information.
- 26. CL - Collection
- Display the collection ID for the SQL activity.
- 27. JN - Jobname
- Display the job name for the SQL activity.
- 28. PR - Parallel
- Display whether or not the SQL activity was formulated using Db2 query parallelism.
- 29. K - ConnName
- Display the connection name for the SQL activity.
- 30. Y - ConnType
- Display the connection type for the SQL activity.
- 31. SC-Schema
- Display the current schema for the SQL activity.
- 32. CN - CorrNum
- Display the correlation number for the SQL activity.
- 33. SP - StoredProc
- Display the name of the stored procedures for the SQL activity.
- 34. CT - ConToken
- Display the connection token for the SQL activity.
- 35. CR - CorrName
- Display the correlation ID adjusted by conventions used by IMS and CICS for the SQL activity.
- 36. X - Usage
- Display the usage for the SQL activity.
- 40. VF - ViewFormat
- View the full formatted SQL statement.
- 41. AP - ADB Plan
- Launch Db2 Admin Tool by plan.
- 42. AK - ADB Program
- Launch Db2 Admin Tool by program.
- 43. AL - ADB Collid
- Launch Db2 Admin Tool by collection ID.
- 44. AD - ADB Database
- Launch Db2 Admin Tool by database name.
- 45. AS - ADB Space
- Launch Db2 Admin Tool by table space or index space name.
- 46. AO-ADB Object
- Launch Db2 Admin Tool by object (table or index) name.