Creating monitoring profile lines

A monitoring profile consists of one or more monitoring profile lines. Each monitoring profile line applies to one workload and consists of the following elements.

  • Line type (Include or Exclude)
  • Miscellaneous flags
  • Workload definition
  • Exception thresholds
  • Exception limit
  • SQLCODEs excluded from exceptions
  • Alert thresholds
  • SQLCODEs excluded from alerts
  • SQLCODEs excluded from summary collection
  • OPTKEYS overrides

A sample of the Update Profile Line Panel is shown below.

Figure 1. Update Profile Line panel
--------------------- Update Profile Line for USERA     --------------------- 
Option  ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
                                                                   More:     +
  Workload Filter                                                             
    INCLUDE/EXCLUDE             I     (I=Include, E=Exclude)                  
    Disable Summary Reporting   N  (Y/N)   Gather Host Variables  Y  (Y/N)    
    DB2 Subsystem               *___       Plan Name     *_______             
    Program Name                *_______                                      
    AUTHID                      *_______   JOBNAME       *_______             
    Connection ID               *_______   CORRID        *___________         
                                           CORRNAME      *___________         
    Workstation User            *_______________                              
    Workstation Trans           *_______________________________              
    Workstation Name            *_________________                            
    Workload Name               ________________________________              
    Exception Limit             0_____________                                
     (zero means do not process this profile line for exceptions)             
    Threshold Exceptions  N  (Y/N)                                            
    Threshold Exceptions  N  (Y/N)                                         
       Exception CPU               00 : 00 : 00 . 000000                   
       Exception Elapsed           00 : 00 : 00 . 000000                   
       Exception Getpages          0_____________                          
       Exception SQL Calls         0_____________                          
    Anomaly-based Exceptions                                               
       CPU Anomalies      N  (Y/N)  Toleration Level  6.0__________        
       Elapsed Anomalies  N  (Y/N)  Toleration Level  6.0__________        
       Getpage Anomalies  N  (Y/N)  Toleration Level  6.0__________        
    Generate SQLCODE Exceptions Y  (Y/N)                                   
    Include Exception SQLCODEs  N  (Y/N)                                   
    Exclude Exception SQLCODEs  N  (Y/N)                                   
    Collect Exception Positive SQLCODEs  N  (Y/N)                          
    Threshold Alerts  N  (Y/N)                                             
       Alert CPU                   00 : 00 : 00 . 000000                   
       Alert Elapsed               00 : 00 : 00 . 000000                   
       Alert Elapsed               00 : 00 : 00 . 000000                 
       Alert Getpages              0_____________                        
       Alert SQL Calls             0_____________                        
    Anomaly-based Alerts                                                 
       CPU Anomalies      N  (Y/N)  Toleration Level  6.0__________      
       Elapsed Anomalies  N  (Y/N)  Toleration Level  6.0__________      
       Getpage Anomalies  N  (Y/N)  Toleration Level  6.0__________      
    Generate SQLCODE Alerts     N  (Y/N)                                 
    Include Alert SQLCODEs      N  (Y/N)                                 
    Exclude Alert SQLCODEs      N  (Y/N)                                 
    Collect Alert Positive SQLCODEs  N  (Y/N)                            
    Include Getpage Objects     N  (Y/N)                                 
  Discard Above (sigmas)                                                 
    CPU Discard Level      12.0__________                                
    Elapsed Discard Level  12.0__________                                
    Getpage Discard Level  12.0__________                               

    Include Summary SQLCODEs    N  (Y/N)                                 
    Exclude Summary SQLCODEs    N  (Y/N)                                 
    Collect Summary Positive SQLCODEs   N  (Y/N)                         
  Ignore positive SQLCODE 100 for Read Activity  Y  (Y/N)                
  Optional Keys                                                          
    Override OPTKEYS            N  (Y/N)                                 
       OPTKEYS(TEXT)            N  (Y/N)                                 
       OPTKEYS(AUTHIDS)         N  (Y/N)                                 
       OPTKEYS(CORRID)          N  (Y/N)                                 
       OPTKEYS(CORRNAME)        N  (Y/N)                                     
       OPTKEYS(CORRNUM)         N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(WSUSER)          N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(WSTRAN)          N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(WSNAME)          N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(CALLS)           N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(PTEXT)           N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(SCHEMA)          N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(CONNTYPE)        N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(CONNNAME)        N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(SP)              N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(JOBNAME)         N  (Y/N)                              
       OPTKEYS(PARALLEL)        N  (Y/N)                              
  Misc Collection                                                     
    Collect Object Data         Y  (Y/N)                              
    Override SQL Collection     N  (Y/N)                              
       Collect Static SQL       Y  (Y/N)                              
       Collect Dynamic SQL      Y  (Y/N)                               

The steps that follow enable you to create an individual monitoring profile line.