Viewing object details

You can view details about the objects that are accessed by monitored queries.


  1. On the Db2 Query Monitor main menu, type 1 in the Option field and press Enter.
  2. Select the summary level that you want to view.
  3. Locate the SQL activity for which you want to view object detail information.
  4. Type O in the CMD field next to the SQL activity of interest and press Enter.
    The Object Detail panel is displayed:
    Figure 1. Object Detail panel
    YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS  ------- Object Detail -------          Row 1 of 3         
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     QM Subsystem : QM01         Interval Start Date: MM/DD/YYYY  Time: HH:MM:SS
     Filters Enabled : N            Interval End   Date: CURRENT     Time: CURRENT 
     NAVI            : DB2(ST):DB06          
     CMD - Enter "/" to select action                                                
     ------------------------------------------------------------------------     > 
     CMD  Creator  Name               Type  DataBase BPool  PageSet        GetPages 
      --  -------- ------------------ ----- -------- ------ -------- -------------- 
      __  CREATR1   SYSCOLUMNS         TABLE DSNDB06  BP8K0 SYSDBASE            537 
      __  CREATR1   ABCDEF01           INDEX DSNDB06  BP0   DSNDCX01           7142 
      __  CREATR1   ABCDEF01           INDEX DSNDB06  BP0   DSNSSH01              4 
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