Viewing SQLCODE information with no grouping

You can view SQLCODE information without grouping it.


To view SQLCODE information with no grouping:

  1. On the IBM DB2 Query Monitor for z/OS panel (the main menu)), specify option 2, and press Enter.
  2. On the DB2 QM SQL Code Summary panel, type an asterisk ( * ) in the Group By field, and press Enter.
    Figure 1. DB2 QM SQL Code Summary panel
    YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS  ------ DB2 QM SQL Code Summary -----  Row 1 of 2          
    Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
    QM Subsystem : QM01         Interval Start Date: MM/DD/YYYY  Time: HH:MM:SS 
                                   Interval End   Date: CURRENT     Time: CURRENT  
    Group by  A   (P-Plan, D-DBRM/Package, A-Authid, S-SQLCode, I-CorrID,                  
                   N-CorrName)  Specify "*" for no grouping                                     
    C: P-Plans, D-DBRMs/packages, S-SQLCODEs, I-CorrID, N-CorrName  
    CMD Authid      Occurrences                                                    
     -  -------- --------------                                                    
     _  USERID1               1                                                    
    ***************************** Bottom of Data **********************************
    The DB2 QM SQL Code Detail Display panel display the detail SQLCODE information:
    Figure 2. DB2 QM SQL Code Detail Display panel
    YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS  --- DB2 QM SQL Code Detail Display ---   Row 1 of 1       
    Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
    QM Subsystem : QM01         Interval Start Date: MM/DD/YYYY  Time: HH:MM:SS 
                                   Interval End   Date: CURRENT     Time: CURRENT  
    C:S-SQL Text, C-SQLCA, SF-Formatted SQL Text                                                        
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------     > 
    CMD SSID  Timestamp              SQLCODE  Plan      DBRM          JOBNAME      
     -  ----  ---------              -------  ----      ------------- -------      
     _  SS01  YYYY/MM/DD - HH:MM:SS  -204     DSNESPCS  DSNESM68      PDUSER       
    ***************************** Bottom of Data **********************************