Scope constraint editor
The scope constraint editor is a series of options that guide you step-by-step through the definition of a scope constraint.
To access the scope constraint editor, select a scope to edit or create a new scope. The scope editor displays in the right panel of Scopes Configuration.
The scope constraint editor contains these fields or options:
- Constraint
- Displays the text representation of the scope as it is being constructed. The constraint begins with the scope's subject.
- Select the subject of this constraint
- Enables you to select the subject of the constraint from a list of valid subjects. Build a new constraint by stepping sequentially through the built-in syntactic building blocks.
- Select a property of the subject of this constraint
- Enables you to select a property of the subject for the constraint being created from a list of valid properties.
- Back
- Returns to the previous building block in the scope constraint definition.
- Next
- Continues to the next building block in the scope constraint definition.
- Cancel
- Abandons the current scope constraint definition.