Use the TEXTDATA_DSN parameter in CQMPARMS to control the allocation of the TEXTDATA Performance History File.
- Description
- Important: This parameter is required.The data set name (dsn) for the TEXTDATA Performance History File. The TEXTDATA data set contains summary level SQL text data. This data set is written as SQL text is being captured for OPTKEYS(TEXT) during the course of an interval. The data set name might contain valid system symbols and may also include the Db2 Query Monitor specific symbol &INTV (the &INTV symbolic resolves to the current interval number).Tip:
- Use the &INTV symbolic when you define this parameter to ensure that the Performance History File names that are generated by Db2 Query Monitor are unique.
- Use the full local date format (date, hour, minute, interval number) to ensure that fully qualified data set names are generated. This avoids the allocation of duplicate data set names during interval switch processing.
- Data set names must not resolve to more than 38 bytes because the system appends ".DATA" and ".INDEX" to the VSAM data and index components.
- Syntax
- Default
- None
- Example