Features and benefits

Db2 Query Monitor includes numerous features and benefits to help you monitor SQL queries across your Db2 for z/OS® environment.


Db2 Query Monitor enables you to:

  • Collect, summarize, and display SQL resource consumption down to the level of the individual SQL text statement.
  • Collect, summarize, and display Db2 object access statistics down to the individual table and index.
  • Access data from multiple Query Monitor Subsystems using the CAE Server and TCP/IP.
  • View data from the perspective of a data sharing group.
  • View active SQL statements that are currently being executed by Db2.
  • Capture the full text of long SQL statements.
  • Disable summary reporting for specific workloads, include or exclude specific -SQLCODES from exception or alert processing, set exception limits and thresholds, and define alert notification thresholds.
  • View the expanded text description for an SQLCODE that is supplied by the IBM® utility program DSNTIAR.
  • View information about the Db2 commands that are executed on monitored Db2 subsystems.
  • Collect information relating to exceptional SQL-related events.
  • Configure proactive notification to alert users of problems.
  • Automate curative actions to deal with exceptional events as they occur.
  • Access consolidated data and events for Db2 subsystems, whether within a single z/OS image or across multiple Db2 images, independent of the existence of a coupling facility.
  • View and configure monitoring across your enterprise from a single console.


Db2 Query Monitor provides the following benefits:

  • Scalable over the full range of Db2 installations.
  • Operates seamlessly in sysplex and stand-alone environments.
  • Supports single-console viewing of enterprise-wide Db2 SQL and object access activity.