Adding a monitoring override

Follow these steps to add a monitoring override.


  1. Click Configuration > Monitoring Overrides.
  2. Press the Add button.
  3. Type a name for the new monitoring override in the box.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Enable or disable the override by selecting or deselecting the Enabled box.
  6. Click the Add domain element scope link and expand the tree structure and select the scope to which you want the monitoring override to apply.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Select the MIT for which you want to define a monitoring override.
  9. Select the parameter for which you want to define an override.
  10. Specify the override value for the parameter. Depending on the parameter, this might entail typing a new value, selecting new units from a pull-down menu, or some combination of available actions.
  11. Click Apply.
  12. Define additional overrides as needed.
  13. Press OK when finished defining overrides.
    Note: The override applies to all visible domains by default. If you want to restrict the override to one or more particular domains, select the drop-down option These Domains and select one or more individual domains to which the override will be restricted. If you select the These Domains drop-down option but do not individual domains, the override will not apply to any domain.
  14. Click Apply. The override is applied.