Submitting customization jobs

Submit the customization jobs to customize Db2 Query Monitor.

Before you begin

Ensure that the correct jobs are generated.

About this task

The following figure shows part of the Finish Product Customization panel. The table on this panel shows the customization jobs that are generated by Tools Customizer. They are grouped by job sequence number.

CCQPCMC                   Finish Product Customization         Row 1 to 8 of 8
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR

 Submit the members in the order in which they apply to all DB2 entries. To
 submit the job, browse the member and issue the TSO SUBMIT commmand, or browse
 the customized library and submit the jobs from there.

 Product to Customize
   Product metadata library : CQM.CQM340.SCQMDENU        > LPAR  . . : RS22
   Product name . . . . . . : IBM DB2 Query Monitor  > Version . : 3.4.0
   Configuration ID: CQM   >  Description: IBM DB2 Query Monitor    >

 Line Commands: E - Edit  B - Browse

    Product customization library . : USER01.TCZ.$RS22$.CQM340                 >

  Cmd Member   SSID GrpAttch Template Date       Description
  -   -------- ---- ----     -------- ---------- ------------------------------>
      A0V3AA    --   --      CQMV33   2017/10/25 Configure Startup CLIST 1
      A1V3AA    --   --      CQM33C   2017/10/25 Configure Startup CLIST 2
      A2#DAAAA DB2A  --      CQM#DDL  2017/10/25 Create DB2 Objects
      A9#BAAAA DB2A  --      CQM#BD8N 2017/10/25 CQM Binds
      B3GRAAAA DB2A  --      CQMGRAN8 2017/10/25 Grant Execute Authority
      B4CNAA    --   --      CQMCNTFL 2017/10/25 Create Control File
      B5CFAAAA DB2A  --      CQMCF2UP 2017/10/25 Update CQM Control File
 --------------------------- End of customized jobs ----------------------------

The member-naming conventions depend on whether the customization jobs are for Db2 entries, and LPAR, or the product.

The New filed indicates if the job member is newly created/updated. It is either YES or NO. YES indicates the job member is newly created or updated, and it needs to be submitted for customization. NO indicates the job member is not newly created/updated, it does not need to be submitted for customization.

Customization jobs for Db2 entries
The members use the following naming convention:


Two alphanumeric characters, A0 - Z9, that Tools Customizer assigns to a customization job. The number for the first template in the sequence is A0, the number for the second template is A1, and so on.
Characters 4 - 7 of the template name, if the template name contains five or more characters. Otherwise, only character 4 is used. Db2 Query Monitor assigns the template name.
Two alphanumeric characters, AA - 99, that Tools Customizer assigns to a Db2 entry.

For example, the XYZBNDDB2_entry_ID_1 and XYZBNDDB2_entry_ID_2 jobs are generated from the XYZBNDGR template, and the XYZ4DB2_entry_ID_1 and XYZ4DB2_entry_ID_2 jobs are generated from the XYZ4 template. If the jobs are generated on two Db2 entries, the following member names are listed sequentially: A0BNDGAA, A0BNDGAB, A14AA, A14AB.

Customization jobs for the product
The members use the following naming convention:


Two alphanumeric characters, A0 - Z9, that Tools Customizer assigns to a customization job. The number for the first template in the sequence is A0, the number for the second template is A1, and so on.
Characters 4 - 8 of the template name, if the template name contains five or more characters. Otherwise, only character 4 is used. For example, for the XYZMAKE template, the job ID is MAKE. For the XYZM template, the job ID is M. Db2 Query Monitor assigns the template name, and it is displayed in the Template column.

For example, the XYZBNDGR job is generated from the XYZBNDGR template, and the XYZ4 job is generated from the XYZ4 template. The following member names are listed sequentially: A0BNDGR, A14.


  1. Submit the generated customization jobs by following the process that you use in your environment or by using the following method:
    1. Specify B or E against a customization job or the product customization library, and press Enter.
      An ISPF browsing or editing session is started.
    2. Browse the customization job or each member in the library to ensure that the information is correct.
    3. Run the TSO SUBMIT command.
  2. Press End.


Db2 Query Monitor is customized, and the Customizer Workplace panel is displayed. The status is Customized for the Db2 entries on which Db2 Query Monitor was customized.

What to do next

You can generate more customization jobs for other Db2 entries, view a list of customization jobs that you previously generated, or recustomize Db2 Query Monitor.