Specifying the metadata library for the product to customize

You must specify a metadata library for the product that you want to customize.

About this task

The product metadata library contains the information that determines which tasks, steps, and parameters are required to customize Db2 Query Monitor. This information controls what is displayed on the Product Parameters and the DB2 Parameters panel.

After Db2 Query Monitor has been SMP/E installed, the default name of the product metadata library is high_level_qualifier.SCQMDENU, where high_level_qualifier is all of the segments of the data set name except the lowest-level qualifier.


  1. Specify option 1 on the Tools Customizer for z/OS panel.
    The Specify the Product or Pack Metadata Library panel is displayed. This panel contains a list of the product metadata libraries that you specified most recently. If you are using Tools Customizer for the first time, this list is empty, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. The Specify the Metadata Library panel
    CCQPHLQ           Specify the Product or Pack Metadata Library        HH:MM:SS 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
    Type the name of the metadata library for the product or the pack in the        .
    Metadata library field, or select the library name in the list of previous      .
    libraries and press Enter to populate the field. Press Enter to continue.       .
    The default name of the metadata library after the product or the pack has been .
    SMP/E installed is <hlq>.SxxxDENU, where <hlq> is the high-level qualifier for  .
    the product or the pack, and xxx is the three-character prefix for the product  .
    or the pack.                                                                    .
    Product or pack metadata library   'CQM.CQM340.SCQMDENU'                                             .
    Name                    Version  Metadata Library
  2. Use one of the following methods to specify the product metadata library:
    • Type the name of a fully qualified partitioned data set (PDS) or an extended partitioned data set (PDSE) in the Product or pack metadata library field. Double quotation marks (") cannot be used around the name. Single quotation marks (') can be used but are not required. If you are customizing Db2 Query Monitor for the first time, you must use this method.
    • Place the cursor in any column of the Recent Metadata Libraries list, and press Enter to populate Product or pack metadata library field. Press Enter again to select product or pack for customization.


If you are customizing Db2 Query Monitor for the first time, the Run Discover EXEC panel is displayed. Otherwise, the Customizer Workplace panel is displayed.

What to do next

  • Complete the steps that correspond to your environment:
    Customizing Db2 Query Monitor for the first time
    Do not run the Db2 Query Monitor Discover EXEC. Press End. The Customizer Workplace panel is displayed. If your environment requires associated Db2® entries, ensure that they are created and associated. If your environment does not require associated Db2 entries, skip this step, and edit Db2 Query Monitor parameters.
    Customizing Db2 Query Monitor from a previous or current customization
    Press Enter to run the Db2 Query Monitor Discover EXEC. The Discover Customized Product Information panel is displayed. Specify the required information for running the EXEC.