CQMC0001E Unable to bind to any of the ports lowPort - highPort, exiting.
None of the ports in the range specified were available to the CAE Agent address space for all of the LISTENER_ADDRESSES. The CAE Agent needs to be able to bind to the same port number for all of the LISTENER_ADDRESSES.
User response
Confirm that no other address spaces are listening on the specified ports. Confirm also that the CAE Agent address space is not prevented from listening to these ports by a network security configuration (such as port reservations).
If the port range contains only one or two ports, and if this message occurs when recycling the CAE Agent address space, it's possible that the listener ports are in a timeWait state that will clear in 2 minutes. This kind of problem can be avoided by increasing the number of ports available to the CAE Agent (we recommend 5).
The TCP messages in CQMC0905I will provide more information as to why each individual port bind failed.