Follow these steps to access Db2 Query
Monitor filter
management functionality.
Issue the FILTER command from a panel
or subpanel that supports filtering. The Active Filters panel
Type Y in the Display
Defined Filters field and specify a filter data set name
in the Filter Dataset Name field. If you specify
a fully-qualified data set name, the name must be enclosed in single-quotes,
for example:
Press Enter. The Filter Maintenance panel
The fields and columns that display on the Filter
Maintenance panel include:
Filter DSN
The name of the filter data set for which the Filter
Maintenance panel currently displays information.
The name of the filter.
The description of the filter.
The commands available on the Filter Maintenance panel
Create (Primary command CREATE)
Create a new filter.
U - Update
Update the description for a filter.
V - View
View the filter.
D - Delete
Delete the filter.
C - Copy
Copy the filter.
R - Rename
Rename the filter.
N - New Filter
Create a new filter.
S - Select
Select a filter for use with your Db2 Query
Monitor ISPF session.