Variables available for ${event. based on type of event
The list below shows the variables that are available for ${event. based on the type of event.
The type is shown in parenthesis with the variable description.
- Db2ObjectUsageProblem:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for Db2ObjectUsageProblem
event types:
- synchronousReadIoCount
- (Number) Number of synchronous reads done on this object in this execution of this SQL statement.
- synchronousWriteIoCount
- (Number) Number of synchronous writes done on this object in this execution of this SQL statement.
- asyncPagesRead
- (Number) Number of pages read asynchronously on this object in this execution of this SQL statement.
- totalGetpages
- (Number) Total number of getpages performed on this object in this execution of this SQL statement.
- DelayProblem:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for DelayProblem
event types:
- totalDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) Total of all kinds of delays: locks, IO, etc.
- db2ElapsedTime
- (TimePeriod) Time elapsed within Db2 during the execution of this SQL statement.
- db2CpuTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated total of all TCB and SRB CPU time the exceptional SQL activity spent while executing in Db2.
- syncIoDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated elapsed wait time for I/O.
- otherReadDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated wait time for read I/O.
- otherWriteDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated wait time for write I/O.
- lockLatchDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated lock and latch elapsed wait time for lock and latch suspensions.
- drainLockDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated wait time for drain locks.
- claimReleaseDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated wait time for claim releases.
- pageLatchDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated wait time due to page latch contention.
- totalGetpages
- (TimePeriod) The number of getpages associated with the object.
- synchronousReadIo
- (TimePeriod) The number of synchronous read I/O for the object.
- asyncPagesRead
- (TimePeriod) The number of asynchronous pages read.
- seqPrefetchRequests
- (TimePeriod) The number of SEQ PREFETCH requested.
- synchronousWriteIo
- (TimePeriod) The number of immediate (synchronous) write I/O.
- listPrefetchRequests
- (TimePeriod) The number of LIST PREFETCH requested.
- dynamicPrefetchRequests
- (TimePeriod) The number of DYNAMIC PREFETCH requested.
- archiveLogQuiesceDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated wait time for archive log quiesces.
- archiveLogReadDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated wait time for archive log reads.
- servtaskSwitchDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated wait time due to synchronous execution unit switch to Db2 services.
- GetPageCountExceededProblem
- The following variables are available for ${event. for GetPageCountExceededProblem
event types:
- totalGetPages
- (Number) The number of getpages associated with the object.
- LockLatchDelayProblem
- The following variables are available for ${event. for LockLatchDelayProblem
event types:
- lockLatchDelayPercent
- (Percent) The percent of totalLock delay time due to lockLatchDelayTime: 100*lockLatchDelayTime/totalLockDelayTime
- LockRequestCountRateExceededProblem
- The following variables are available for ${event. for LockRequestCountRateExceededProblem
event types:
- lockRequestsRate
- (Double) The number of lock requests divided by the elapsed time.
- ObjectBufferPoolHitRatioProblem
- The following variables are available for ${event. for ObjectBufferPoolHitRatioProblem
event types:
- objectHitRatio
- (Percent) The hit ratio for the object.
- ObjectSynchronousIODelayProblem:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for ObjectSynchronousIODelayProblem
event types:
- totalObjectIOCount
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated elapsed wait time for I/O.
- SqlBufferpoolHitRatioProblem:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for SqlBufferpoolHitRatioProblem
event types:
- hitRatio
- (Percent) The hit ratio.
- SqlCPUProblem:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for SqlCPUProblem
event types:
- db2CpuTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated total of all TCB and SRB CPU time spent while executing within Db2.
- SqlCallCountExceededProblem:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for SqlCallCountExceededProblem
event types:
- TotalSqlCalls
- (Number) The total number of individual SQL calls executed by Db2.
- SqlElapsedTimeProblem:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for SqlElapsedTimeProblem
event types:
- db2ElapsedTime
- (TimePeriod) The accumulated elapsed time the exceptional SQL activity spent while executing in Db2.
- SqlError:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for SqlError
event types:
- HighestSqlCode
- (Number) The SQL return code issued by Db2 associated with the exception.
- TotalIODelayProblem:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for TotalIODelayProblem
event types:
- totalIODelayTime
- (TimePeriod) syncIoDelayTime + otherReadDelayTime + otherWriteDelayTime.
- totalIODelayPercent
- (Percent) 100*( totalIODelayTime/totalDelayTime)
- TotalLockDelayProblem:
- The following variables are available for ${event. for TotalLockDelayProblem
event types:
- totalLockDelayTime
- (TimePeriod) lockLatchDelayTime + claimReleaseDelayTime + drainLockDelayTime + pageLatchDelayTime
- lockDelayPercent
- (Percent) 100*( totalLockDelayTime/totalDelayTime)