
The Alerts Browser displays message boards and options that enable you to control the display of the messages generated by alerts and exceptions.

By default, the Alerts Browser contains a single message board. Only users who are assigned either Supervisor or Administrator roles can modify the default message board. All other users who want to have a message board that they can modify must create message board of their own.

The default message board displays messages for all domains loaded on the CAE Server. Additionally, you can create message boards that filter messages to achieve various display results, for example, to correspond to a specific scope or set of event names or to match specific criteria such as priority or event name.

In the CAE, the sysname of a system is its identifier. If you change the address (DNS name or IP address) of a system, but do not change the sysname, then all new alerts associated with the sysname are considered to occur on the same system as the alerts that occurred on the system before the change. If you keep the address the same but change the sysname, it is considered a new system.