Resultant Email: SqlCpuProblem event.type
The following email illustrates the type of email that might be sent based on the KBML source code above if an event.type SqlCpuProblem occurs.
From: CQM
To: Fred Jones
Subject: attributes for SqlCpuProblem
Attributes from events. Event type Db2SqlEvent.
event.getAttribute("JOBNAME"): JOBNAME1
event.getAttribute("SQL_TYPE"): OPEN
event.getAttribute("CONNECTION_NAME"): SERVER
event.getAttribute("NETID"): GA0101FE
event.getAttribute("LUNAME"): O23D
event.getAttribute("CURSOR_NAME"): SQL_CURLH200C2
event.getAttribute("REQUESTING_SITE_NAME"): nn.n.n.nnn
event.getAttribute("WORKLOAD"): DIST WORK
event is not an SqlError