Lock related statistics - fields (ISPF)
These statistics are displayed on the Lock Related Statistics panel.
- Lock Deadlocks
- The number of lock deadlocks.
- Lock Suspensions
- The number of suspensions due to locking conflicts.
- Lock Timeouts
- The number of lock timeouts.
- Latch Suspensions
- The number of suspensions due to latch conflicts.
- Other Suspensions
- The number of suspensions (aside from lock and latch suspensions).
- Lock Requests
- The number of lock requests.
- Unlock Requests
- The number of unlock requests.
- Query Requests
- The number of query requests.
- Change Requests
- The number of change requests.
- Other Requests
- The number of all other requests.
- Claim Requests
- The number of claim requests.
- Claim Failures
- The number of unsuccessful claim requests.
- Drain Requests
- The number of drain requests.
- Drain Failures
- The number of unsuccessful drain requests.
- XES Lock Requests
- The number of XES lock requests.
- XES Change Requests
- The number of XES change requests.
- XES Unlock Requests
- The number of XES unlock requests.
- IRLM Global Resource Contention
- The accumulated wait time due to global contention for parent L-locks.
- XES Global Resource Contention
- The accumulated wait time due to XES global contention for parent L-locks.
- False Resource Contention
- The accumulated wait time due to false resource consumption.
- Incompatible Retain Lock
- The accumulated wait time due to incompatible retain locks.
- Shared Lock Escalations
- The number of lock escalations to shared mode.
- Exclusive Lock Escalations
- The number of lock escalations to exclusive mode.
- Lock Requests - PLOCKS
- The accumulated wait time due to parent object locks (database, table space, table, partition).
- Change Requests - PLOCKS
- The number of change requests for parent locks.
- Unlock Requests - PLOCKS
- The number of unlock requests for parent locks.