Viewing object statistics for an exception

You can view information about the objects related to an exception.


To view object statistics for an exception:

  1. On the IBM DB2 Query Monitor for z/OS panel (the main menu), specify option 5, and press Enter.
  2. On the Display Exceptions panel, issue line command O next to the exception of interest, and press Enter.
    The Object Statistics panel displays object information:
    Figure 1. Object Statistics panel
    YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS  ------- Object Statistics -------          Row 1 of 8         
    Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     Filters enabled: N                                               
     DB2 SSID: SS01   Plan: PLAN0001   DBRM: DSNESM68  Coll: DSNESPCS
                      Cursor: C1                  Section:       0   
    CMD - Enter "/" to select action
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------     > 
    CMD Creator   Name                Type   DataBase  BPool   PageSet   GetPages   
    --- --------  ------------------  -----  --------  ------  --------  --------   
     _  CREATR1   SYSSTMT             TABLE  DATABS1   B04K00  SYSPLAN       1438   
     _  CREATR1   SYSDBRM             TABLE  DATABS1   B04K00  SYSPLAN          1   
     _  CREATR2   PMSYSDBRM1          INDEX  DATABS1   B04K00  PMSYSDBR         2   
     _  CREATR1   SPTR                TABLE  DATABS2   B04K00  SPT01            5   
     _  CREATR1   DSNSPT01            INDEX  DATABS2   B04K00  DSNSPT01         3   
     _  N/A       N/A                 TABLE  DATABS3   B04K00  DSN4K01        180   
     _  CREATR1   SYSPACKSTMT         TABLE  DATABS4   B04K00  SYSPKAGE       464   
     _  CREATR1   DSNKSX01            INDEX  DATABS5   B04K00  DSNKSX01       205   
    ***************************** Bottom of Data **********************************

    You can use the following line commands as needed to view additional information about any listed object:

    22. B-Buffer Pool Stats
    Show buffer pool statistics for the selected item.