Generating the Application Structure

Once the Platform requirements met and the data model defined, it is possible to generate the application model using the corresponding JDL file. For more details, please refer to Chapters Meeting the Platform Requirements and Defining the Data Model.

JDL files are used in two different phases:

  • When generating the application skeleton:

    This phase takes a JDL file as a parameter and creates the application projects. The provided JDL file is copied into the gene-model/spec folder and this copy will be used to generate the business data model of the application.


    Note that the original JDL file is not used once an application has been generated.

    The generation also creates three extra entities that are ready to use in the Platform:

    • GeneIssue: used to store results from project data checkers

    • GeneSchemaIssue: used to store results from Platform built-in data checkers

    • GeneParameter: used to store application parameters

  • When generating the code of the application:

    When the application is built, java code is generated to provide:

    • scenario data storage (gene-model-jpa library)

    • java in-memory classes to handle the data (gene-model-dom library)

    This code generation uses the entities defined in the following file: gene-model/spec/entities.jdl

    For more details, please refer to Section Building and Running the Application.