Extending the AG Grid Localization

The Platform uses AG Grid library for Data Grids, which uses its own translation file located under web/src/assets/i18n/ag-grid.en.json.

To create a localized version for another language, you can, for example, duplicate the file structure of web/src/assets/i18n/ag-grid.fr.json, the fr locale containing the key/values. For more detals, please refer to the Official AG Grid Documentation.


    // Set Filter
    selectAll: '(Select All)',
    selectAllSearchResults: '(Select All Search Results)',
    searchOoo: 'Search...',
    blanks: '(Blanks)',
    noMatches: 'No matches',

The withGeneAgGridTranslations() Platform function can be used to enable localization mechanism on any AG Grid instance.

import { withGeneAgGridTranslations } from '@gene/widget-core';

// ...

let options: GridOptions;
let translateService: TranslateService;

// ...

withGeneAgGridTranslations(options, translateService);

Note: Developing with AG Grid library in your code requires to purchase an ag-grid enterprise license from www.ag-grid.com.

See www.ag-grid.com/javascript-data-grid/localisation for more information about ag-grid localization.