Using CRF Tasks

Once you have added the CRF import/export routines to your backend extension, you still need to call them from a scripted task to use them as jobs in the Web UI. If all you need is to call these routines to import into a new scenario or export from another scenario, then such tasks are already provided by a library as well. To use them, simply add the following dependency in the Gradle build file of the application Execution Service extension, located at ./extensions/execution-service-extension/build.gradle:

dependencies {

    // [...] all other dependencies

    // To enable CRF export/import tasks
    implementation "com.decisionbrain.gene:data-integration-crf-task:${versions.decisionbrain.dbgene}"

And add the @EnableCRFTask decorator to a Spring configuration class:

public class DataIntegrationCRFConfiguration {
