Accessing Instances in Java

Here are some examples of use of the API in Java:

  Resource res1 = coll.createResource(); // res1 is added to the collector instances
  1 == coll.getResource().size(); // is true

  res1.setId( "MyFirstResourceId" );    // res1 primary key is complete so can be accessed with getFromResource
  res1 == coll.getFromResource( "MyFirstResourceId" ); // is true

Instances can also be accessed through the list of all known instances.

public interface CapacityPlanning extends DbDomCollector {
  List<Resource> getResource();
  List<ResourceCapacity> getResourceCapacity();

Entities that are declared as single.row are accessed as singletons: the following JDL declaration

entity SolutionSummary {
  // DOM [single.row] : [true]
  start Instant,
  end Instant,
  timespan Integer

Will cause the following API to be generated:

public interface CapacityPlanning extends DbDomCollector {
  SolutionSummary getSolutionSummary();
  void setSolutionSummary(SolutionSummary value);