Configuring MongoDB 'session-tracking' Credentials

The MongoDB session-tracking credentials are defined in the infrastructure Docker descriptor. They are used by to monitor the application activity.

To Configure MongoDB 'session-tracking' Credentials

  1. Edit deployment/docker/infra/docker-compose.yml and change the MONGODB_SESSION_TRACKING_PASSWORD environment variable.

        - MONGODB_SESSION_TRACKING_DATABASE=session-tracking-db
        - MONGODB_SESSION_TRACKING_USER=session-tracking
        - MONGODB_SESSION_TRACKING_PASSWORD # Not specifying a value allow to transmit environment variable to the container.
  2. Edit the .env file placed in the docker-compose.yml parent folder and add an environment variable MONGODB_SESSION_TRACKING_PASSWORD with the password you have chosen. Note that you can also add the environment variable to the host machine.

  3. Edit deployment/docker/app/docker-compose.yml and add a variable SERVICES_SESSIONTRACKING_MONGODB_PASSWORD for the scenario-service.

        - SERVICES_SESSIONTRACKING_MONGODB_PASSWORD # Not specifying a value allow to transmit environment variable to the container.
  4. Edit the .env file placed in the docker-compose.yml parent folder and add an environment variable SERVICES_SESSIONTRACKING_MONGODB_PASSWORD with the password you have chosen. Note that you can also add the environment variable to the host machine.