Customizing the Generated Code

Each element of the generated code uses a specific annotation in order to distinguish generated code from custom code.

The custom code can be added at the bottom of the class, after the generated code.

For example, custom imports need to be added outside the block <generated-imports>.

// <generated-imports>
// </generated-imports>

import java.util.Map;

@Generated(value = "DomGenerator")
public interface Plant extends DbDomObject {

    List<Activity> getActivities();


     * @return the sum of the activities duration that are using this plant
    Double getDurationInHours();
// <generated-imports>
// </generated-imports>

import java.util.Map;

public class PlantImpl extends DbDomObjectImpl implements Plant {

    protected List<Activity> activities;


    public List<Activity> getActivities() {
        return this.activities;


     * @return the sum of the activities duration that are using this plant
    public Double getDurationInHours() {
        return getActivities().stream().mapToDouble(Activity::getDurationInHours).sum();