Setting Application Preferences
Application preferences allow defining the default settings of the web client and various customization parameters.
They come in addition to dedicated views, which allow managing custom views and dashboards, permissions, workspaces, or entity color hints. For more details, please refer to Section Understanding the Management Views.
Application Preferences can be accessed from the Topbar Settings Menu in Settings > Application Preferences. For more details, please refer to Section Understanding the Topbar Settings Menu.
For more details on how to configure permissions, please refer to Part Securing.
Application controllers can be implemented to manage the application custom behavior, look and feel. For more details, please refer to Section Using an Application Controller.
Example of Customized Application Preferences with an Application Controller
The following table lists all the default settings that can be modified.
Settings Name | Component | Description | Default Value |
APPLICATION_TITLE | NAVIGATION_BAR | The title of the application displayed in the Navigation Bar | Platform sample project |
COMPARISON_DATA_ROWS_LIMIT | DATA | The maximum number of rows allowed in the selected and reference scenario to fetch comparison data | 50000 |
DATA_ROWS_LIMIT | DATA | The maximum number of rows the web client fetches in any query | 10000 |
DEFAULT_DBRF_EXPORT_TASK_ID | TASK | Id of the DBRF Export Task to use when clicking Export DBRF | DbrfExportTask |
DEFAULT_EXCEL_EXPORT_TASK_ID | TASK | Id of the Excel Export Task to use when clicking Export Excel | SimpleExcelExportTask |
DEFAULT_EXCEL_IMPORT_TASK_ID | TASK | Id of the Excel Import Task to use when clicking Import Excel | ScenarioImportTask |
DEFAULT_SCENARIO_IMPORT_TASK_ID | TASK | Id of the DBRF Import Task to use when clicking Import DBRF | DbrfImportTask |
FILTER_BUTTON_SHOW | VIEW_TOOLBAR | Show or hide the filter Button | true |
FILTER_SCOPE | FILTER | Defines the filters scope in views and dashboards. When scope is set to "GLOBAL" (default) filters are shared between views and dashboards, when set to "VIEW", filters scope is limited to the view from which they have been set. | GLOBAL |
GENE_COLOR_PALETTE_INTERPOLATE | COLOR | Color Palette Interpolation (use more colors when true) | true |
GENE_COLOR_PALETTE_INTERPOLATION_BOOST | COLOR | Boost the color over the pivot color. Must be > 0, 1 is neutral (EXPERIMENTAL) | 4 |
GENE_COLOR_PALETTE_INTERPOLATION_PIVOT_COLOR | COLOR | Pivot color used for interpolation. Impacts darkness/lightness of the colors (EXPERIMENTAL) | #E0E0E0 |
GENE_CONFLICTS_DETECTION | TABLE | When set to true, the Table Widget uses conflict detection when saving changes | true |
GENE_DASHBOARD_COLUMNS | DASHBOARD | The Dashboard Component Layout Columns (EXPERIMENTAL) | 20 |
GENE_DASHBOARD_MARGIN | DASHBOARD | The Dashboard Component margins in pixels (EXPERIMENTAL) | 20 |
GENE_DASHBOARD_ROWS | DASHBOARD | The Dashboard Component Layout Rows (EXPERIMENTAL) | 20 |
GENE_DAY_COLORS_SETTING_NAME | COLOR | Background colors based on week day used for the time axis option. Must be a seven string array, the first value is Monday. | ["#FAFAFA", "#FAFAFA", "#FAFAFA", "#FAFAFA", "#FAFAFA", "#EAEAEA", "#EAEAEA"] |
GENE_DEFAULT_COLOR_PALETTE | COLOR | Default Color Palette (material or default) | default |
GENE_DEFAULT_PALETTE_LIGHTNESS_LEVEL | COLOR | Lightness range for colors generated with the default palette (one of low, medium and high) | medium |
GENE_DEFAULT_PALETTE_SATURATION_LEVEL | COLOR | Saturation range for colors generated with the default palette (one of low, medium and high) | medium |
GENE_DISABLE_COLOR_HINTS | COLOR | Remove all color hints from table and instance pickers if true | false |
GENE_THEME | DASHBOARD | The CSS classname of the Platform Theme, default is unset, use 'gene-theme-compact' for compact theme (EXPERIMENTAL) | APPLICATION |
ISSUES_LIST_LIMIT | ISSUES_LIST_WIDGET | The maximum number issues of each Type (i.e. data and schema) displayed in the Issues List Widget | 5000 |
HOME_VIEW_ID | HOME | ID of the View used as Home | 49ea8f74-6e9e-4dcc-9878-df8c164ed593 |
JOBS_FILE_RESULTS_AUTO_DOWNLOAD | TASK | When a current user Job Completes and has File Result, the download starts automatically | true |
JOBS_FILE_RESULTS_AUTO_DOWNLOAD_IGNORED_TASKS | TASK | Comma-separated list of Task Identifiers, ignored by JOBS_FILE_RESULTS_AUTO_DOWNLOAD setting | ScenarioImportTask |
JOBS_VIEW_SHOW_NEW_JOB_BUTTON | JOBS_VIEW | Show the "Run New Job" (magic wand) button in the Job List | true |
MAP_MAPBOX_API_KEY | MAP_WIDGET | Mapbox direction API token necessary for the Map Widget, available at | |
MAP_MAPBOX_DIRECTION_API_URL | MAP_WIDGET | Mapbox direction API url necessary for the Map Widget, available at | |
MAP_MAPTILER_API_KEY | MAP_WIDGET | Maptiler API token necessary for the Map Widget, available at | |
NAVIGATION_BAR_SHOW_APPLICATION_NAME | NAVIGATION_BAR | Show the application name in the top navigation bar | true |
NOTIFICATIONS_SHOW_JOB_PROGRESS | NOTIFICATIONS | Notify the progress of a job | false |
NOTIFICATIONS_SHOW_JOB_RESULT | NOTIFICATIONS | Notify the completion of a job | true |
NOTIFICATIONS_SHOW_JOB_STATUS_CHANGE | NOTIFICATIONS | Notify status changes (before completion) of a job | false |
PIVOT_SHOW_CUSTOM_TYPES | PIVOT | When set to true, the Pivot Table Widget can be used with Custom Types (EXPERIMENTAL) | false |
RUN_SCHEMA_CHECKERS_ON_MODIFICATIONS | TABLE | When set to true, the Table Widget automatically runs checkers upon data modification | true |
SCENARIO_COMPARISON_TOGGLE_SHOW | SCENARIO_COMPARISON | Show or hide the Scenario comparison toggle Button | true |
SCENARIO_IMPORT_DIALOG_PRESERVE_FILE_NAME | IMPORT_SCENARIO_MODAL | Controls the behavior of scenario import dialog, if true the title is the file name without extension, humanized version otherwise | true |
SCENARIO_PICKER_SHOW | SCENARIO_PICKER | Show or hide the Scenario Picker | true |
SCENARIO_PICKER_SHOW_CLEAR_BTN | SCENARIO_PICKER | Show or hide the Scenario Picker "Clear" Button | true |
SCENARIO_PICKER_SHOW_CREATE_BTN | SCENARIO_PICKER | Show or hide the Scenario Picker "Create" Button | true |
SCENARIO_PICKER_SHOW_VIEW_ALL_BTN | SCENARIO_PICKER | Show or hide the Scenario Picker "View All" Button | true |
SETTINGS_MENU_SHOW_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION | SETTINGS_MENU | Show or hide Application Configuration entry in the top right Settings Menu | true |
SETTINGS_MENU_SHOW_GLOBAL_PREFERENCES | SETTINGS_MENU | Show or hide Global Preferences entry in the top right Settings Menu | true |
SETTINGS_MENU_SHOW_NEW_DASHBOARD | SETTINGS_MENU | Show the "Create New Dashboard" entry in the top-right Settings menu | true |
SETTINGS_MENU_SHOW_NEW_VIEW | SETTINGS_MENU | Show the "Create New View" entry in the top-right Settings menu | true |
SETTINGS_MENU_SHOW_WORKSPACES | SETTINGS_MENU | Show the Workspace menu in the top-right Settings menu | true |
SETTINGS_MENU_VIEW_DASHBOARD_MANAGE | SETTINGS_MENU | Show the "Configure" entry in the Views and Dashboards sub menu | true |
SETTINGS_MENU_WORKSPACES_CREATE_NEW | SETTINGS_MENU | Show the "Create New Workspace" entry in the top-right Settings menu | true |
SETTINGS_MENU_WORKSPACES_MANAGE | SETTINGS_MENU | Show the "Manage Workspaces" entry in the top-right Settings menu | true |
SIDEBAR_SHOW_HOME | SIDEBAR | Show the Home entry in the sidebar | true |
SYSTEM_MENU_SHOW_CUSTOM_COLORS | COLOR | Show the color configuration link in the system menu | true |
TABLE_SHOW_CUSTOM_TYPES | TABLE | When set to true, the Table Widget can be used with Custom Types (EXPERIMENTAL) | false |
TASK_MENU_SHOW_EXPORT_DBRF | TASK_MENU | Show the "Export Data To DBRF File" entry in the top-right Jobs menu | true |
TASK_MENU_SHOW_EXPORT_EXCEL | TASK_MENU | Show the "Export Data To Excel File" entry in the top-right Jobs menu | true |
TASK_MENU_SHOW_IMPORT_FILE | TASK_MENU | Show the "Import Data from DBRF File" entry in the top-right Jobs menu | true |
TASK_MENU_SHOW_MENU | TASK_MENU | Show the top-right Jobs menu | true |
TASK_MENU_SHOW_NEW_TASK | TASK_MENU | Show the "Run New Job" entry in the top-right Jobs menu | true |
TASK_MENU_SHOW_RUNNING_JOBS | TASK_MENU | Show a badge and the number of running Jobs | true |
TASK_MENU_SHOW_JUPYTERLAB | TASK_MENU | Show the "JupyterLab" entry in the top-right Jobs menu | false |
TASK_MENU_SHOW_TASK_MONITOR | TASK_MENU | Show the "Job List" entry in the top-right Jobs menu | true |
WORKSPACE_PICKER_SHOW | WORKSPACE_PICKER | Show or hide the Workspace Picker | true |
WORKSPACE_PICKER_SHOW_CREATE_BTN | WORKSPACE_PICKER | Show or hide the Workspace Picker "Create" Button | true |
WORKSPACE_PICKER_SHOW_VIEW_ALL_BTN | WORKSPACE_PICKER | Show or hide the Workspace Picker "View All" Button | true |
In addition to the list above, users can add any of the following parameters to precisely configure the look and feel of the web client by customizing the page title, colors, logo, font and other CSS variables.
Settings Name | Description | Default Value |
GENE_DISABLE_COLOR_HINTS | Flag to disable color hints in Data Grids, Data Explorer and instance picker. For more details, please refer to Sections Using the Data Grid Widget and Using the Data Explorer Widget. | false |
GENE_COLOR_PALETTE | The default color palette used in widgets (charts, tables,...), must be an array of css colors, e.g. ["#54011", "#fa8489", "#ff0000"]. For more details, please refer to Section Understanding the Custom Colors View. | - |
--gene-logo-background | The top left corner logo in Base64 format as follows: url(““) . For more details, please refer to Section Understanding the Application Logo. |
- |
--gene-font-family | The default application font | - |
--gene-text-color | CSS Variable | - |
--gene-selected-row-background-color | CSS Variable | - |
--gene-hover-row-background-color | CSS Variable | - |
--gene-error-color | CSS Variable | - |
--gene-warning-color | CSS Variable | - |
--gene-error-text-color | CSS Variable | - |
--main-color-lightest | CSS Variable | - |
--main-color-lighter | CSS Variable | - |
--main-color-light | CSS Variable | - |
--main-color | CSS Variable | - |
--main-color-dark | CSS Variable | - |
--main-color-darker | CSS Variable | - |
--main-color-darkest | CSS Variable | - |
--secondary-color-light | CSS Variable | - |
--secondary-color | CSS Variable | - |
--secondary-color-dark | CSS Variable | - |
--secondary-color-darker | CSS Variable | - |
--cool-grey-lightest | CSS Variable | - |
--cool-grey-lighter | CSS Variable | - |
--cool-grey-light | CSS Variable | - |
--cool-grey | CSS Variable | - |
--cool-grey-dark | CSS Variable | - |
--cool-grey-darker | CSS Variable | - |
--cool-grey-darkest | CSS Variable | - |
--alert-info | CSS Variable | - |
--alert-info-lighten-10 | CSS Variable | - |
--alert-error | CSS Variable | - |
--alert-error-lighten-10 | CSS Variable | - |
--alert-warning | CSS Variable | - |
--alert-warning-lighten-10 | CSS Variable | - |
--alert-success | CSS Variable | - |
--alert-success-lighten-10 | CSS Variable | - |
--default-view-padding | CSS Variable | - |
--default-widget-border-radius | CSS Variable | - |
Example of Customized Web Client