Microsoft Teams alert receivers

  1. Go to Alerts -> Receivers, click the Add receiver button to add a new receiver, select Teams, and add the required details.
  • Receiver name - this is the name of the receiver that will be displayed on Databand.
  • Microsoft Teams channel email address - alerts will be sent to this email address. Review Microsoft's documentation here for instructions on finding the email address associated with your channel.
  • Optional: Use the Advanced settings to override the default email provider configured in Databand. Check the I want to override system default email provider box to view the options below.
    • Email address to send the emails from - example:
    • SMTP hostname - new SMTP in the hostname:port format
    • SMTP API key or username - new API key or username
    • SMTP service password or access token - new service password or access token
  1. Validate the configuration using the Test connection button.
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Choose the defined alerts you want to be notified about using this receiver.

If the Advanced settings are not used, the SMTP server configured on Settings -> Organization -> SMTP will be used. All SaaS customers are provided with a default SMTP provider for your convenience. If using the default Databand SMTP provider, be sure to allowlist the email address.