Model RealTime 11.0 2021.04

February 03, 2021

February is here and so are new versions of Model RealTime. As a result of sprint 2021.04 there are two deliveries available for download: IBM Model RealTime 11.0 2021.04 and experimental version 11.1 2021.04. Experimental version is not yet recommended for production use, but we would greatly value any feedback you may have on it. So feel free to reach out to the development team, for example via Model

Single-command Scripted Installation

Installation of IBM Model RealTime has never been easier! Just download the script from this page in Utilities section and after a simple configuration, given a product zip file it will automatically download corresponding Eclipse version and depending on Model RealTime version being installed will perform all necessary configuration and installation steps to get you going in minutes.

Simpler Qualified Names

In many places in Model RealTime like e.g. Properties view you could see fully qualified names of UML elements. Qualified Name of an element includes names of all owning model elements up to the model's root separated by ::. However Capsule Development viewpoint simplifies model representation by hiding some types of elements in Project Explorer view, for example Regions in statemachines. Starting from Sprint 2021.04 fully qualified names in Find Named Element dialog, Code View hints, and Properties view are viewpoint aware. In case of Capsule Development viewpoint this results in shorter, easier to understand qualified names especially for nested states.

C++ 11 Initializers Support Improvements

C++ 11 provides new ways to initialize data members of a class called brace and equal initializations, in addition to previously existed constructor and assignment initializations. In Model RealTime you can configure which kind to use by means of C++ General section of the Properties view for the corresponding Attribute. In this Sprint initializers support was streamlined in the following way. If Initializer Kind is brace or equal it will normally be generated in the header file, otherwise in .cpp file. Taking this into account, you should be careful in using brace or equal initializers for global variables to avoid duplicate declarations in every .cpp file that includes the corresponding header. However if constexpr keyword is used, the initialization will be always generated in the header file. Enjoy the C++ 11 features with errorless builds!

Alexander Strabykin
Development lead for IBM Model RealTime