Our extended summer sprint 2018.33 is finished and the result is a new version of Model RealTime 10.2 that now is available for download. We also, for the first time, now deliver an experimental version of Model RealTime 10.3 which is built for Eclipse Photon. It contains all features from Model RealTime 10.2, including an updated EGit integration for the latest version of EGit.
The following improvements are worth mentioning in this release (numbers in brackets refer to the updated What's New presentation for Model RealTime 10.2):
Tracing the execution of a generated real-time application has been much improved in this release. The old trace view has been replaced with a trace editor that allows you to trace multiple model elements (even all elements if you wish) into a single trace. You can trace when events are sent or received on ports, when capsules are incarnated and when states are entered. You can have multiple trace sessions active at the same time, and save those that you find interesting to text files. You can navigate from trace events to the model, search for specific trace events, filter the trace editor and much more. [p 40]
Textual merge conflicts can now be resolved by combining both the left and right contributor versions. As always you can directly edit the merged code snippet, should it be necessary. [p 18]
Code generation can now be triggered automatically whenever you save a modified model file. This feature makes it easier to use full content assist when editing code snippets. By saving the model before you edit the code snippet you ensure that generated code is up-to-date so that CDT can provide you with as relevant content assist proposals as possible. [p 35]
Other important improvements in this release were done in the area of diagram editing (in particular related to working with lines), inclusion of new prebuilt versions of the TargetRTS (for latest version of Visual Studio and MinGW), and support for dynamic working sets when searching.