Get library reports

The library report contains the usage history for the library, including mounts, inserts, ejects, moves, host I/O, and environmental data. These reports are taken at intervals of one hour and kept for one year. However, you can offload only one week of data at a time by using the GET command to ensure the query response size does not get too large. If you do not include query parameters to limit the time frame, all reports for the last week will be returned.

Request syntax

GET /v1/reports/library
Retrieves all reports for the last week.

Query parameters

after (string, optional)

The time after which reports should be viewed. Any report with a time matching or before this time will not be returned. Time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm. This defaults to the current date and time of the library.

before (string, optional)

The time before which reports should be viewed. Any report with a time matching or after this time will not be returned. Time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm. This defaults to one week ago.


> GET /v1/reports/library
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1903

          "time": "2019-04-03T11:13:44-0700",
          "duration": 3600,
          "mounts": 600,
          "imports": 0,
          "exports": 0,
          "moves": 1372,
          "dataReadByHosts": 35840,
          "dataWrittenByHosts ": 4089050,
          "dataWrittenToCartridges": 1022262,
          "temperatureAverage": 32.2,
          "temperatureMin": 29.1,
          "temperatureMax": 35.9,
          "humidityAverage": 76.o,
          "humidityMin": 75.1,
          "humidityMax": 77.9
     }, {
          . . .


time (string)

The time at which this data entry was recorded. Time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.

duration (number)

The number of seconds this data entry was recorded over.

mounts (number)

The number of cartridges that are mounted to the drive over the duration.

imports (number)

The number of cartridges added to a library over the duration. A cartridge import is not complete until the host sends a SCSI move media command to the library for this cartridge or it was manually assigned to a Logical Library.

exports (number)

The number of cartridges removed from the library over the duration. A cartridge export is complete once the cartridge is physically moved to the I/O station.

moves (number)

The number of times cartridges were moved from one location to another within the library over the duration. This includes host initiated and library initiated moves with each move representing both the get and put by the gripper. It counts slot-to-slot, mount, demount, and import or export of the cartridge. This does not count the number of times cartridges were shuffled out of the way to move another cartridge in a deeper tier.

dataReadByHost (number)

The number of MB of data that is read by all the drives from the cartridges over the duration.

dataWrittenByHost (number)

The number of MB of data that is written by all the drives to the cartridges over the duration.

dataWrittenToCartridges (number)

The number of MB of data that is written to the cartridges by all the drives over the duration. The average compression ratio can be found by dividing dataWritenByHosts by dataWrittenToCartridge.

temperatureAverage (number)

The average temperature in Celsius of all the drives over the duration, accurate to one decimal place.

temperatureMin (number)

The minimum temperature in Celsius of all the drives over the duration, accurate to one decimal place.

temperatureMax (number)

The maximum temperature in Celsius of all the drives over the duration, accurate to one decimal place.

humidityAverage (number)

The average percent humidity in all the drives over the duration, accurate to one decimal place.

humidityMin (number)

The minimum percent humidity in all the drives over the duration, accurate to one decimal place.

humidityMax (number)

The minimum percent humidity in all the drives over the duration, accurate to one decimal place.