4085 - Gripper encountered a high current condition while retracting

A gripper on the robotic accessor encountered a high current condition while retracting. This could be caused by a faulty gripper, an obstruction in the path of the gripper, or misalignment of the robotic accessor with its target position. This fix procedure describes how to diagnose and correct the issue.

Fix procedure

  1. Put the library in service mode:
    1. From the management GUI., go to Actions > Change Library State.
    2. Choose In Service Mode (Offline) option and then click the Set button.
  2. Open the front door.
  3. If a cartridge is inside the gripper, follow the “Cartridge removal from gripper” procedure.
    Additional Troubleshooting:
    1. Manually move the grippers pickers and confirm no part is damaged and it moves freely. This can be done by moving the motor pulley with your fingers. Pay attention to the gripper fingers to ensure they are not damaged.
    2. Ensure that the gripper motor cable connector and cartridge present sensor cable connector are firmly seated at the GCC card and no damage to cables is visible.
    3. Close door.
    4. Calibrate the library. From the management GUI, go to Actions > Calibrate Library and click Yes.
    5. If calibrate fails go to Step 4, otherwise go to next step.
    6. Verify the library. From the management GUI, go to Actions > Library Verify keep the default options and click Next
    7. If verification failed continue with next step, otherwise go to Step 6.
  4. Replace the robotic accessor:
    1. Replace the robotic accessor using the Robotic Accessor videos.
    2. Reset the LCC. From the management GUI, go to Library > Nodes Cards. Right click on the LCC node card and choose Reset This process will log you out of the GUI..
    3. Close the front door and calibrate the library. From the management GUI, go to Actions > Calibrate Library and click Yes.
    4. Put the library online. From the management GUI., go to Actions > Change Library State and choose Online option.
    5. Run Library Verify. From the management GUI, go to Actions > Library Verify keep the default options and click Next
  5. If the problem persists, contact IBM support.
  6. If front LED lighting is solid yellow, then set the library online:
    1. From the management GUI., go to Actions > Change Library State.
    2. Choose Online option and then click the Set button.
Attention: If the problem has occurred multiple times and still not resolved, go to contact IBM support.

Damaged Components
During the procedure, if any part is found physically damaged, replace the applicable Customer Replacement Unit (CRU). See Customer service procedures.