Frame capacity

The standard storage capacity of the IBM® Diamondback tape library can be increased to full-capacity.

If you bought the full-capacity feature on your initial order, it is automatically installed at the manufacturing facility.

Table 1. Frame capacity by model
Frame model Standard cartridge capacity Full cartridge capacity Number of drives Magazine capacity
4884-L9A (LTO) 800 1584 1 to 14 10
Note: The cartridge count should not exceed 98.3% of the reported library slot capacity. Unused slots are required for shuffle operations. Cartridge capacities include all cartridges: data, cleaning and diagnostic cartridges.

In Ultra High-Density (UHD) frames, the cartridge accessor runs a shuffle operation to access the cartridges that are stored in Tier 2 and beyond. A shuffle is the process of moving cartridges in lower tiers into the gripper (or other available slots) to access cartridges in higher tiers (Tier 2 or greater).

To reduce shuffle operations and take advantage of repeated accesses of certain cartridges, the role of cartridge cache is assigned to Tier 1 slots in an UHD library. To maintain efficient shuffle operations, the library uses load balancing to store cartridges across all UHD slots in the library string. In other words, all UHD slots are filled to a minimum tier level until that tier is full across the library.

Updating the capacity

If you need to upgrade to full-capacity, you can order Feature Code(FC) 1600. When you order the FC 1600, you will receive a license key label. Refer to Figure 2. Attach the label inside the back of the library. This label is inside the frame on the top right-hand corner of the slot support top-plate.

To update the library capacity, go to the Library > License Functions page in the management GUI. In the field labeled License key code, enter the 12-digit code that is shown on the bottom of the label and click the apply button.

Refer to Figure 1. The green checkmark in the Licensed column indicates that the library is licensed for full capacity. The green checkmark would not be present if the library is licensed for standard capacity.

Figure 1. Management GUI License Functions
Figure 2. Full capacity key label