Defining value stream metrics

Add metric data to your value streams by using the DevOps language query language.

You can add performance metrics to your value streams by applying charts to data integrated into . The data can originate from plug-in integrations, or REST API calls from external clients. DevOps Query Language (DQL) queries can be defined in the value_stream.json file attached to a value stream, or in the Query bar on the value stream page. You can add graphs or charts derived from the data to the Metrics bar, or the list view on the Value Streams page.

Note: Currently, you can capture counts on issue data from issue tracking tools, such as Jira.

To add metric data to a Value stream, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Value streams page, click and select Download value stream map.
  2. Using a text editor, add metrics definition to the value_stream_name.json file. The properties are defined later in this topic.
  3. Upload the file to your value stream.

Metric data properties are described in the following table:

Table 1. Value stream metrics properties
Property Description
name Query name.
repeatEvery Defines how frequently the query runs.
repeatAt Time option. Note, currently not used.
metricDefinitionID The metric definition that is used to collect the data.
properties Defines the query that is applied to the collected data. The property field can consist of a simple DQL field statement or an array of objects. When defined as a single field statement, such as issue.tags, or issue.severity, the query groups and then counts the distinct values for the field. When defined as an array of objects, a single name can be assigned to the entire DQL query.

The default value stream provides a metric definition. You can use the Work Item Type metric as a template for your metrics. Typically, the Work Item Type metric is used to hold the work item or issue type for from an issue tracking tool, such as Jira. Typical issue types include story, bug, task, and APAR.

 "metrics": [
      "name": "Work Item Type",
      "repeatEvery": "1 minute",
      "repeatAt": null,
      "metricDefinitionId": "WORK_ITEM_TYPE",
      "properties": {
        "query": null,
        "field": "issue.type"


In the following example, all work items that do not have a status of "Closed" are grouped by type, and then a count for each group is provided to the metrics collection.

 "metrics": [
      "name": "Work Item Distribution",
      "repeatEvery": "24 hours",
      "repeatAt": null,
      "metricDefinitionId": "WORK_ITEM_TYPE_COUNT",
      "properties": {
        "query": "issue.status != Closed",
        "field": "issue.type"

In this example, the number of items that match each query in the array is saved to the metric collection.

 "metrics": [
      "name": "Work Item Owners",
      "repeatEvery": "24 hours",
      "repeatAt": null,
      "metricDefinitionId": "WORK_ITEM_OWNER",
      "properties": {
        "query": null,
           "name": "My items",     
           "query": "issue.owner = Some Name"
          "name": "Your Items",
          "query": "issue.owner = Amother Name"