Enabling and disabling remote diagnostic logging for the CICS Transaction Gateway proxy
To facilitate troubleshooting, IBM® DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel) administrators can view, download, and share detailed log events information for the CICS® Transaction Gateway proxy. The capability to display this information in Test Virtualization Control Panel requires enabling remote diagnostic logging for the proxy.
Test Virtualization Control Panel can display a diagnostic log that is a centralized view of log events of IBM DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) agents and proxies.
By default, remote diagnostic logging to Test Virtualization Control Panel is not enabled in the CICS Transaction Gateway proxy.
To enable or disable remote diagnostic logging for the CICS Transaction Gateway proxy, you must specify certain Java™ system properties. The procedure is however different for Windows and non-Windows computers.-
On Windows computers, the CICS Transaction Gateway runs as a service. To add parameters to the service, use the ctgservice.exe program that is found in the bin folder of the CTG installation; for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\CICS Transaction Gateway\bin. To verify the parameters, open the Windows registry and check the entry for the service. It can be at
The following command adds the proxy JAR to the classpath and enables DEBUG logging:
.ctgservice.exe -R -A-classpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\CICS Transaction Gateway\classes\com.ibm.rational.rit.ctg.jar" -A-j-Dgreenhat.logappender.console.CONSOLE=layout:detailed,level:DEBUG
On non-Windows computers, use the parameters with the ctgstart program that can be found in the bin folder of the CTG installation; for example, /opt/ibm/cicstg/bin.
Following is an example:./ctgstart -classpath=/opt/ibm/cicstg/classes/com.ibm.rational.rit.ctg.jar -j-Dgreenhat.logappender.console.CONSOLE=layout:detailed,level:DEBUG