Create a stub with multiple operations by using the Recording
Studio perspective. Such a stub is required if you need to share state
across several operations.
For more information about stubs with multiple operations,
see Stubs with multiple operations . For more information
about recording, see Using the Recording Studio .
In the Recording Studio perspective,
monitor one of the following sources:
A transport that has multiple operations
Two or more operations
Generate events for multiple operations. Highlight the events, right-click, and click Save
Stub . Complete the Recorded Events wizard,
making sure that the Operation Assignment page
shows multiple operations. The new stub opens in the stub editor. Set the guard conditions
so that appropriate responses are returned to the requests that the
stub receives. Separate events are generated for each request
and response for each operation.
When you run the stub, IBM® DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs ) generates a separate
stub process for each operation.